12: The Vow

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I heaved a heavy sigh as
I changed my gauze with Bacta gel and wrapped it around my arm. I shouldn't have a scar, which was good. I didn't want to be reminded of what happened on LeDue. But when I looked at my arm, I could feel the heat of the fire on my back and my sticky blood dripping down my arm. I could hear people's screams as the smoke entered my nostrils, inflaming my senses. 
I fell back on my bed, closing my eyes, wishing it all to fade away.
But my memories twisted into what came after.

I recalled the talk Master Windu I had on the way back to the Jedi Temple. He examined my arm with a severe expression
before looking me in the eye.
"Sacrificing your life to save others, making hard decisions, and living with the consequences while staying true to light makes a Jedi Knight," Windu said. In return, I gave him a sad stare as he gently squeezed my shoulder.

At that moment, I realized I had changed slightly — nobody would completely get rid of wild Leta. But I felt I had grown up. I wasn't a hopelessly naive girl glorifying the ideals of the Jedi. I completed my trials — a taste of what was to come: true sacrifice. The members of the Jedi Order made those daily. I was to become a Knight; soon, my decisions would be just as important as the one on LeDue.
And I would have to stand by those choices no matter how difficult and demanding they seemed, nor how they would haunt me.

Come what may, I was ready to face my destiny.

On the other hand, I wasn't made a knight yet. I pushed myself off the bed to where the Council had summoned me to finish my right.
The Hall of Knighthood.

I can honestly say I'm graduating quite deservingly.

I walked anxiously to the Hall of Knighthood, fiddling with my thumbs. When I was back on that force-forsaken planet, I didn't care if I passed my trails. But now I couldn't wait for Master Windu to cut my braid and name me a full-fledged Knight of the Order.

I entered the darkened room. Each Jedi master on the Council was on their feet; in a circle. Blue and green lightsabers ignited in the air: It was the only light. I kneeled in the center of the room, my heart hammering in my chest; I had to resist breathing heavily because I didn't want to be nervous. Despite this being a monumental achievement, I could hardly contain myself.

Grandmaster Yoda approached me. I swore I saw a slight smile on the wise frog's lips. I placed my lightsaber before me, and Yoda bowed before igniting his saber.

"We are all Jedi. The Force speaks through us. Through our actions, the Force proclaims itself and what is real. Today we are here to acknowledge what the Force has proclaimed." Yoda spoke with such vigor I forgot how old he was.

"Master Windu, Do the honors you will."

My Master bowed, igniting his amethyst blade, and approached me with a blank expression; however, I could see in his dark eyes a glint of pride — how proud he must be of me.

"Leta Amidala, by the right of the Council," he placed his lightsaber just above my left shoulder. "By the will of the Force." He switched to my other side.

"I dub thee, Jedi Knight of the Republic."

My Master sliced my braid; I couldn't help but catch it as it fell.
It felt unworthy for it to fall to the ground. I rose with a bright smile that could rival the stars.

I am now Leta Amidala, Jedi Knight of the Republic.
It has a nice ring to it.

I bowed to them and silently left the room. I didn't know what possessed me to do it, but I started dancing like nobody was watching.

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