31: Beauty in Chaos

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Later on in this chapter, I did a little time skip. I initially didn't want to, but I'm excited to be nearing the final few chapters. It's been a while since I finished a story. Though I have to go back and edit this — that will come eventually.

Anyways don't forget to comment and vote, my lovely readers. Stay safe and have fun.

        ✧༺♥༻∞ ∞༺♥༻✧

I ran off my shuttle into the storm and escaped the pouring rain, only to be overwhelmed in Kamino's white facility. The lighting was bright and headache-inducing, but that was a minor nuisance. Something I shouldn't let screw up my day. Joker was alive; that alone couldn't destroy the relief and joy of having him back.

I waltz into a rehab portion of the building with an excited grin that grew wider when I spotted Boom-Boom munching on a ration bar. Ironically they tasted better than anything I ate at the temple.

Still not fried Nuna legs.

I rushed to his side and stood tall, enthusiastically saluting my demolition expert. He did the same and handed me a ration bar.

I grabbed it and looked at it questionably, "what's this for?"

"Thought I share, Ma'am. Joker is almost ready — the Kaminos wanted one more scan before he could return to duty," Boom-Boom explained, taking another bite of his bar.

"There always finding more tests to perform — must be irritating and exhausting."

"Tell me about it," Boom-Boom scoffed, his mouth full of food. "They have been hounding me about checking my brain as if it disappeared."

"They don't call you brainless brawn for nothing," I teased and ripped open my bar.

He rolled his eyes, "I like blowing shit up and shooting people. That doesn't make me dumb, just a badass."

"And charging headfirst without a plan except causing as much damage as possible," a male voice interrupted

We turned our heads. Outling the bright light, Bullseye walked in with his helmet between his arms and a toothpick in his mouth; he was frowning. He came over to us, and Boom-Booom snorted. "I like to be thorough. I think you all are jealous because you don't see as much action."

"Hardly. I see enough through my scope," Bullseye taunted before he turned to me with an uptight salute. "Good to see you, Ma'am. Been a while since our last catastrophe."

"Ever the optimist, Bullseye. It's nice to know you haven't changed while I've been gone."

"Oh, he's changed — grumpier than before," added Boom-Boom with a tight lip snare. Bullseye glared at his squadmate with a twitching brow.

"I'd rather be grumpy than be an idiot," Bullseye retorted.

They continued to glare at each other. I thought being in the middle of this spat was hazardous for my health and placed the ration bar in my mouth. The hint of sweetness, like honey, was nice. Other than that, it was bland.
I took an awkward first bit — the crunch was louder than expected as both boys stared at me with blinking eyes as If I farted. I swallowed, my cheeks burning in embarrassment.

"It's crunch time," I said because I totally liked making my mortification worse.

"Ma'am, with all due respect. That was just plain awful," Boom-Boom said, a slight smirk to his wording while Bullseye groaned in protest.

"Actually, I thought it was delicious."

"No, it was tasteless."

"We are not starting a pun war," Bullseyes interjected, taking out his toothpick and pointing at us angrily. "I will shoot the next one who starts up."

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