37: Hellfire

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In the last chapter, I just wanted to stay. I wish we had a baby name scene in Revenge of the Sith.

Trigger warning: for those who are bothered by psychotic episodes/breakdowns. Please read over it. I have a * * * for when it starts and ends. * * *

I hope you enjoy it well sort off. Lol. Perhaps have a tissue or two, just in case. I'm sorry — I'm apologizing in advance for this and the next chapter.

Please, comment, and vote, and stay safe and have fun💜

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Obi-Wan left yesterday to catch General Grievous; I wished he had taken Ani. He needed to leave Coruscant and catch a break from the Chancellor.

I sighed, leaving the kitchen to the blue room. I didn't know when he would be back. Soon, I hoped. I swore Anakin was slowly losing his mind. I couldn't do anything but reassure him I wouldn't die! I felt better than ever, but he didn't believe me. His dreams kept tormenting him, solidifying his belief that I was dying.

I have been dying a little each day, watching him descend into madness.

The only thing keeping Anakin on a somewhat straight path was me being by his side at all times. Which was impossible; old man Palps made sure of that. I didn't like the Chancellor before, but now? The constant need for my man was a bit excessive, and I couldn't help but wonder if he was feeding into Ani's anxiety.

My mind returned to the earlier conversation today when Anakin asked if Obi-Wan had been here; the contempt and jealousy burned in his eyes like a wildfire. I knew he was a bit possessive, but not in a negative way. He used to be — especially against Obi-Wan. But now Anakin knew he was a brother to me as much as he was to him. Then he started claiming he knew how to save me and admitting he wanted more power. And I tried by the Force, I tried so hard to reason with him, telling him it was ok to desire more — we were human — and be wary of the path it was leading him down.

But the sound of desperation in his voice, the death grip on my frame, the spark of determination in his haunting blue eyes... I didn't know when it would happen, but Obi-Wan was right; Anakin was on the verge of doing something reckless.

I strolled over to the window, gazing at the Jedi temple. I could feel his gaze from here, but I wanted to see, not be blind. I wanted to feel those hot tears with my lips, taste the salt as he cried, to soothe every ache as I held him.

"Leta?" my was name was a solemn vow from his lips

"I'm here," I pleaded through our bond.

"I won't lose you too."

His voice was but a whisper in the twilight. A faint plea so far away I couldn't reach to save him. My heart pounded in my chest, and it hurt to breathe without him near, to know he was breaking inside.

"You won't. I'm with you always," I cried. "I'm in your heart and in your heart — I shall burn forever."

Not the dragon — anything but that — Force, please.

"I can't take the chance, Leta... I just can't."

"Don't let it consume you; I'm begging you. Ani!"

"I'm sorry, my Leta."



Silence, a hushed whisper of cold,
brushed across my body, despite being inside. I placed both hands on the window and banged my head (not too hard) against the cool glass.

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