8: Never Alone

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"I'm just a little Jedi short and strong. Here is my lightsaber. Here is my song. When I get all focused, hear me shout. Jedi mind trick me, and I'll knock you out."

I stopped skipping in the hallway to ensure nobody listened to my horrible Jedi rendition of I'm a little teapot. I didn't see anyone, so I continued singing without a care in the Galaxy.

"I'm very special, Jedi, yes it's true. Here is an example of what I can do. I can turn my lightsaber on out of the blue. If you're not a lifesaver, I'll force-push you!"

"What in the Galaxy are you singing?" A young male said from behind me, and I jumped a mile high. "You sound like a dying Jawa."

I turned around to see Anakin smirking. I was scared half to death, and my cheeks burned from how mortified I was.
At least it wasn't my Master.
It would be tough to explain my unhealthy obsession with parodies.

"Ani! Are you actively trying to give me a heart attack?" I asked, my voice full of sarcasm while being somewhat truthful.
People could die from being scared. But that was an embarrassing way to go — especially for a Jedi.

"No, I just wanted to shut you up," he retorted with a mischievous grin. Rude much, oh how I missed the little nine-year-old Ani. Now I had to deal with 12 year old going on 13 Anakin. Who knew he could be so glib? According to Obi-Wan, it got worse every day.

I crossed my arms and stuck my tongue out. My singing was not that bad... I think.
Maybe I should ask Yoda; he would put it to me gently or smack me with his cane and tell me to sing in tune.

On second thought, ignorance is bliss.

Anakin ran up to me; he looked sad, with a lost gaze in his blue eyes, making me feel unhappy. I poked his cheek to take his mind off things, but he gently slapped my hand away, and I frowned.

"Ani, What's wrong?" I asked sadly, but he only looked to the ground with his fist clenched. He was more emotional than me, and I was a teenage girl, so that was saying something. But I would never hold it against him; in fact, I liked that he was open with his emotions compared to everyone else I was surrounded by.

"It's... nothing."

"Anakin, don't make me sing."

He looked at me with that I don't believe you stare, and that technically meant — I dared you — how could I refuse?

I started to sing: "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...."

"Please. somebody make it stop!" Anakin whined, putting his hands over his ears and shutting his eyes tight. He was going crack; I had to sing louder.

"My, my, this here, Anakin guy. Maybe—"

Anakin put his hand over my mouth, and my words became muffled. I playfully punch his arm and run off. He chased behind me, both giggling like idiots. If my Master saw this, I would be in a world full of lectures and meditations. Jedi were supposed to be serious.

I mean, I'm serious...
Seriously fun!

Anakin pursued me outside to the courtyard. The cloudless sky was not blocking any light, and the sun blinded my escape. My eyes stung and slowed down, but instead of wiping my eyes, I tumbled to the ground from Anakin crashing into me.

I clutched my sides, tears in my eyes and my face red as a beet. We were laughing so hard I could barely breathe. When the laughter died, I stared at Anakin; he finally seemed happy. The brightest smile I've witnessed appeared on his boyish lips. He was so cute that it hurt, I hoped he didn't grow up and he stayed little forever so I could pinch his cheeks.

"Leta," Anakin groaned, trying to push my hand away, but I persisted. I wouldn't give up that easily. " My cheeks aren't made to be pinched."

"I beg to differ," I responded. I stopped pinching his cheeks and started tickling him to death.

"This is unfair," Anakin said through his laughter, and then he gently pushed me off him. I looked at him, slack-jawed.

Did he use the Force on me?

"Anakin, that's cheating!" I shouted playfully.

"Not for a Jedi."

Oh, he just opened up a can of Dantooine worms. I got off the ground and focused on the Force; this would be epic.

I held my hand out, palm open, and began to lift Ani off the ground; I turned him upside down, wanting to pull down his pants with the Force and say: I see Naboo, I see Kashyyyk, I see somebody's butt cheeks.
But I didn't have the heart to embarrass him that much. Besides, It could be considered bullying.

"Hey, put me down, or I will tell Master Windu about this!"

I give my best friend an evil glare." Anakin, you wouldn't."

"Would too!"

Deciding not to test fate, I gently placed Anakin on the ground and sat beside him. We sit in silence for a few moments, calming ourselves down. He plucked the grass, and I fixed my ponytail.

"if I tell you why I was sad earlier, promise not to laugh," he said in the most vulnerable voice ever. I really wanted to giggle at that alone.

" I would never laugh at your vulnerability Anakin. Unless it's really, really stupid."

" OK, I hope you don't think it's dumb," he said, stuttering.
I wished he realized I wouldn't hurt him. Not on purpose, anyway.
He stopped messing with the grass but didn't look up at me.

" I miss my mom," Anakin said, barely above a whisper. "I'm
Twelve years old, about to be 13.
I'm supposed to be a big boy — string in Force. Yet I'm crying over my mom."

For those who didn't understand the power of love between a mother and child, I pitied them. My mother was harsh on me, and we never got along. She was still my mother, and I did love her. But my sister was more of a mother to me than anyone else. I could relate to Anakin's desire to be back home or, in his case, have his mother by his side.

" I understand. I miss Padmé something fierce," I admitted breathlessly while Anakin looked at me. His eyes shone with vulnerability. He was so pure; bless his heart.

"And I miss Naboo."

"Then you understand how lonely I feel," He said solemnly. I wanted to say that it was a curse of a Jedi's life not to form attachments: but I didn't believe it. We thrive on compassion for others; we use our strengths and abilities to help the Galaxy and seek nothing in return. I would admit to being lonely, and I guessed — no — I knew we should stick together as a family: therefore, we were never alone.

"You have me," I said, my heart laid bare. "With me around, you never have to be alone."

"Then you have me as well," Anakin said with a small smile. He moved to lay his head on my lap. I didn't protest as I stroked his hair. "you will always have me, Leta."

This boy was as open as I was, with no agenda and desire but for me to be at his side. It almost brought tears to my eyes, with our training, knowing it would keep us apart. However — our bond remained — and I didn't see it ever being fractured.

"Always Anakin," I whispered, not knowing if he heard me, but deep down, between the Force and all we'd been through... I would never leave his side, even if destiny itself demanded it.

I'll strive to defy the odds, even against fate.

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