38: Anakin's Dragon

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Ok, you might need more tissues. I also wanted to say the next two chapters will take a couple of days to post, I struggle with writing certain scenes and want to do them justice.

Thank you for understanding my lovely readers. Don't forget to comment and vote. Stay safe and have fun.

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I watched the holotv blankly, and it was what I feared. The demon, no, the devil himself — stood in front of billions across the Republic, on the highest pedestal, and declared our free nation the first Galactic Empire.

This is how our freedom died.

What sickened me to my core was how blind we all had been, how something so hideous — so evil — hid in plain view, controlling us like little puppets. How much of the war was Palpatines doing? All this meaningless death for a grand plan he succeeded in, and what about Anakin? The devil had been whispering in his ear, how far had my love fallen?

"The remaining Jedi will be hunted down and defeated!"

I gritted my teeth — not today Satan. I would fight to the bitter end for Anakin and my family; they deserved better. Hell, everyone deserved to pursue freedom. That was the Republic represented, not the chained rule of an Empire.

Mark my words; I will break those chains.

I heard a noise. My eyes darted up, spotting Obi-Wan dragging himself into the med bay. He looked distraught, his body rigid and alert, which didn't bode well for any of us.

"Leta," Obi-Wan hesitated, his voice emotionless. "Do you know where Anakin is?"

I adverted my gaze and shook my head. I didn't want to tell him even if I did. I could sense where this was leading — I wasn't ignorant of what Anakin was becoming and what Jedi did to those who had fallen to the darkside.

And now he has; those emotions were too strong with darkness to be anything of light.

"Anakin has fallen to the darkside. He is in league with Darth Sidious; he murder his brethren," Obi-Wan spoke, tense and unyielding. "I have to stop this madness from going further."

I still didn't look or speak. I couldn't bring myself to give up on Anakin so easily. It would only fuel his wrath — his dragon — all hope would be lost. I refused to give up; I failed too many already. What mattered now was not one more.

Obi-Wan kneeled in front of my, grasping at my hands. "You know how dangerous he is, Leta. You know he won't stop until he gets what he wants."

I felt my eyes water again, but that was all allowed as I glared down at Obi-Wan with determination. "He wanted to save me, Obi-Wan. But in doing so, he destroyed himself, and I won't let that stand. I will save Anakin — not end him."

"That may be impossible."

I snorted. Such negativity coming from him made me ill with contempt. Obi-Wan had lost his Order, and I did too, but Anakin was his brother, my husband. What sort of monsters would we be if we didn't try? Hell, what kind of Jedi gave into fear and did not seek alternatives? 'Only a Sith deals in absolutes,' wasn't that Obi-Wan classic quote? He certainly acted like a Sith if all he could see was the darkness and saw but one way to defeat it.

"In cases like this, Master Obi-Wan. The only thing making it impossible is the barrier we put into our minds."

He rubbed my hands with a small smile. "When did you become so wise, little Leta?"

"I believe I had a bit of wisdom already. But I have a reputation to keep."

"Maybe that's why nobody paid you no mind," Obi-Wan suggested with a wry smile.

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