22: Pada-I-want-one

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The Separatist army pinned Obi-Wan, Rex, and me against a cement wall, lasers flying everywhere. The constant clanking kept us alert — if not a little trigger-happy — as I kept tapping my lightsaber hilt, ready to give the separatist hell. I watched above; the red shield was about to pass over us; I hated how this damn thing worked. They could fire at us, but we couldn't return it until we were in enemy lines, leaving little room to maneuver.

"We're almost inside the shield, and remember to stay away from those tanks," Obi-Wan said.

"No kidding," I retorted

A faint flash of red was our cue, Obi-Wan and I nodded, then leaped into action while Rex and his men fired from cover; some grappled down with Obi-Wan and me. All of us were wary of those armored assault tanks, or AATs.

Surrounded by clankers was not how I pictured my day going; I was supposed to be on Teth, waltzing around the juggle searching for a baby Hutt. I honestly didn't know which I preferred. I sliced a droid in half, lifted at least four, and crushed them with the Force. All the while, I was deflecting blaster bolts by spinning my double-bladed lightsaber like a windmill.

I was deflecting more than ridding the Galaxy of these laser brains at this point.
The AATs started shooting, the loud noise was enough to blow my eardrums, but I endured the ringing in my ear and continued fighting. Another missile launched, soaring through the air like a firework till it hit a building above, causing a massive explosion — smoke everywhere, blinding me. The wall from above made an awful screeching noise as it crashed.

"That's not good." I rolled out of the way, right into a horde of clankers; I spun myself and my blade, slicing through a few before more red bolts flew at me.
From what little I could see, the droids outnumbered me by a lot and wouldn't make it if I stayed. I didn't like the idea of dying anyways; I was too pretty to be a corpse.

I decided to fall back; I ran to an enclosed area, flipping over a terminal at a lost command station. I wasn't the only one with the same idea; Rex and Obi-Wan were next to me instantly. We huddled together, avoiding the blaster fire.

"They're almost to the heavy cannons," Obi-Wan exclaimed.

"We're not gonna be able to stop them, sir."

Obi-Wan's brows furrowed as he pointed to the section of our artillery. " Move your troops back to the heavy cannons, do everything you can to protect them. I'll delay the droids," Obi-Wan commanded as his thumb pointed back to the clankers.


"That is an order, Captain!"

He placed a hand on Rex's shoulder, and the Captain nodded before scrambling out of there. Obi-Wan's troubled gaze found mine. "You too, Leta."

My eyes went wide as I shook my head. Did a droid hit his brain or something? I couldn't believe he would ask that of me. "Are you out of your mind? I'm not leaving you behind!"

"Don't argue with me, Leta," Obi-Wan pleaded. "For once, do what you're told."

"You know me, Master Obi. I never listen."

The Jedi Master placed his hands on my shoulders, gently squeezing them. "Please, trust me."

I gazed into his sea-blue eyes, letting his plea sink in and feeling the Force around me. His words flowed without his lips moving.

"I have a plan to keep them distracted. I need Leta to ensure the troops' safety ."

I understood what Obi-Wan had in mind, and it wasn't aggressive negotiations but rather an elaborate trick, a fake surrender to buy us time.

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