33: The Battle of Coruscant

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Hello there, my lovely readers; this one is longer than average. So please enjoy. 😉🥰💜

Don't forget to comment and vote, stay safe, and have fun❣️

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Today, it started like any other. I was teaching the younglings combat forms till a bright light shot across the sky like a blazing fireball. The sounds of lasers and people's screams echoed through the temple halls.

I rushed the younglings to safety. Upon the way, I gazed out the windows. A storm of ships and starfighters descended upon the city. The clanker army invaded Coruscant. I didn't know whose bright idea it was to swarm the Captial, but they should check their heads to see if they had a few screws loose.

I hid the younglings in the Council chambers when Master Shaak Ti requested my help to protect Chancellor Palpatine. I was riding up the elevator to his office now. I kept in mind not to push myself too hard for obvious reasons. Yet my duty was to defend the Republic and its people, including our leader.

The doors opened. The guards, a Wookie Jedi named Gussar, Shaak Ti, and I hurried in. Palpatine sat in his chair in blue robes, sipping tea and watching the planet go by without care.

"Chancellor, we need to get you to safety!" Shaak Ti ordered.

He took another sip of his tea and let out a hum as if he wasn't concerned for Coruscant, or himself, which confused me.

"I'm not worried. This is the most secure building in all Coruscant," he said, placing his cup down. "Besides, I'm not going to let the separatist army make me look weak by retreating."

"Sir, I —"

"Enough. I won't cower while my city burns!"

This guy was a few banthas short of the heard. He needed to be protected, and staying here was not ideal, especially with a gigantic window where anybody could peep in.

Tap... Tap... Tap.

Heavy footsteps echoed above us. Sweat formed on my forehead as I anxiously gripped the hilt of my lightsaber.

"I have a bad feeling about this," I said worriedly.

"Calm yourself," Shaak Ti whispered. She then glared at the Chancellor. "We have to move now!"

The urgency jumped a few levels when an upside-down machine head peeped through the window, its yellow eyes menacing as it scowled at us.

"What the—"

The window burst open, glass shattering like deadly arrows. I used my outer robe to block the shards and looked in utter horror at what stood before me.
A cyborg, his cape fluttering in the wind as he raised himself from his hunch position. He was tall as the highest mountains, arms long and metal claws for hands, the same for his feet. I didn't recall when I'd been scared of a creature until now.

He was more machine than man.

"How dare you barge into my residence," Palpatine said, strolling up to the cyborg like he had no fear of being crushed to death.

"Who do you think you are!" he pointed at him.

"Chancellor," Shaak Ti interfered, "I don't think yelling at him is wise."

He raised his frail hand. "I can handle this."

He glared at the machine, his eyes of dark fire that reminded me of a Jedi's fury. The room became suddenly cold, like an approaching winter storm. I shivered at both the sensation and the sight in front of me.

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