4: Jedi are Stupid

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I felt my world rumble. At first — in my crazy, imaginative mind, I thought the ship was under attack again. But nobody was scrambling like chickens with their heads cut off. We must be entering Coruscant's atmosphere.

I moved away from Anakin; he rubbed his eyes. Was he asleep? "Leta," Anakin yawned. "Are we there yet? I giggled; why was he so cute with his sleepy blue eyes and chubby cheeks?

"Yes,"  I responded. Anakin shook himself out of his daze and grabbed my sleeve. I didn't know what he was thinking, but maybe he didn't want me to leave. A part of me didn't want to leave either, but I also wanted to see all the hype about the Republic Capital.

"Will I see you again?" Anakin asked with a hint of worry. He had stars in his eyes, but there was also sadness. I knew there was no such thing as certainty when it came to something like this, but I could sense — as if it was my destiny — to be by his side, always. So I touched his nose, which wrinkled, and if I looked closely enough (which I did), I saw a slight curl to his lips.

"I know I will," I said, full of enthusiasm. I felt dizzy again, and everything went white.

I stood in an old junk shop full of rusted droids, their parts, and tools. An awful smell, a mix of hyperdrive oil, and a group of people who hadn't bathed in a year surrounded me.

It felt hot, blistering hot, as I moved around. Then a little boy with silly blonde hair and brilliant blue eyes came scrambling down the steps running from a flying creature. It was blue, with a yellow belly protruding from his makeshift brown vest. He was also wrinkly, probably from too much sun exposure.

"You should be more grateful I bought you from Gardulla the Hutt, little thing," he threatened in his raspy voice. " I'm beginning to think you are not worth my credits."

"I'm sorry, Master Watto; I just wanted to take a break." Anakin looked down at his hands. I noticed they were red and full of blisters. "My fingers hurt," Anakin said. His tone was uneven, as if he was both scared and unhappy.

I can feel it.

The Toydarian, I believed, pointed a wrinkled finger at Anakin. I WOULD if I could punch Watto here to the outer rim with one shot.

"You better get used to it, " he urged with a nasty glare. Then he flew off, leaving Anakin alone with his injured hands.

Another flash and I was planted out in the sands of the desert — next to a bunch of clay hovels. An older but beautiful woman dressed in rags knelt in front of Anakin, wiping tears from his cheeks with her callused finger.

"Will ever see you again?"Anakin whimpered, not looking into the women's eyes.

"What does your heart tell you?" The woman said with a sad smile. She was hiding behind a mask of sorrow, trying to be brave for this boy— at the same time — she would be so proud of him.
This woman, it was Anakin's mother — she had to be.

"I will come back and free you, Mom," Anakin said with such conviction. "I promise."
His mother kept wiping her son's cheek; her eyes began to water too.

"Be brave, and don't look back," her voice lowered to a whisper. "Don't ever look back."

She rose to her feet and ushered her son to Master Qui-Gon. That explained why Anakin was on the ship. Is he to be a Jedi like me? So my instincts were right. We were not going to be separated after all.

The blinding white flash returned, and I started shaking and staring at my sister, whose death grip was on my shoulders.

"Leta!" Padmé shouted. "Leta, snap out of it!" She shook my shoulders, but I pushed her away. I only wanted to stare at Anakin. The poor boy had been through hell. Fear strangled his thoughts, alone in the Galaxy...

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