34: Dreams

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A nice little chapter... before the hardships begin.

😭 I know. I won't spoil anything besides the obvious.

Anyways don't forget to comment and vote, my lovely readers. Stay safe and have fun.

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Weeks went by. I enjoyed Anakin's presence as much as possible before Manodalore decided it was a great time to start an even bigger rebellion. By the time the dust settles, they wouldn't have a planet worth fighting for — mark my words — I'd seen enough of that with the Clone Wars.

I suspect Anakin wouldn't be used much for this; he isn't a diplomat. He'll be home soon.

I didn't dare watch the news coverage about Mandolore. Instead, I decided to go shopping. I needed to get maternity clothes and bigger robes. My ones were a little tight, and I couldn't lie... I hated that. But it also allowed me to have a shopping spree!

I enjoyed the bustling city, full of life yet somehow almost mindless.
Everybody worried about their personal bubble. They didn't take the time to stop and smell the roses. Not that they had any to smell in the first place. It wasn't Naboo, and now more than ever, I wanted to be back home amongst my people.

I wished to smell the familiar flowers and spices on the street, not speeder fuel. I missed seeing the outside markets full of fresh ingredients and the friendliest smiles. I didn't think I saw one lively grin yet. But... I made due.

I would talk to Anakin about where our child should be raised. Hopefully, he would agree Naboo was the best option—one of our cottages near the lake house—surrounded by the gardens, an area where the little one could play. I smiled. I could already picture washing out all the mud stains from all our clothes. Because I would join the fun too, and Anakin... Hell, he'd be the first one to create a mess.

I had a little bounce in my step when I found the perfect store. I spent hours trying to find suitable dresses and other outfits. I was low-key a sparkle queen, the Jedi lacked such flare, so I wore anything eye-catching when I wasn't on duty.

Alas, to my disappointment, very few maternity clothes glittered like diamonds. I refused to give up. I searched high and low until my eye widened, spotting two perfect dresses. One was a sparkling golden sleeveless top, out rivaling the sun with its skirt, a light shimmer of orange and yellow. The other was a mysterious deep blue; sequined patterns swirled around.

I have to have them — nobody can stop me.

I picked them up, along with less flashy but equally beautiful clothes, and went my merry way, thinking about Ani's reaction to seeing some of them.

He won't keep his eyes off me.

Eventually, I had to go out again, not only because it would give me an excuse to buy more clothes but extra baby necessities were a must.

Now for the boring stuff: Jedi robes.

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When I returned home, the moon and neon signs lit up the night; I would join the parties going down on stripes. But having a bun in the oven prevented me from doing so. It was a way to relieve some tension and have fun. Not that I partied often or hard, either. I was Jedi, so it was a treat to do something crazy for the hell of it.

I put my new clothes away and slipped into something more revealing yet comfortable. A lavender purple nightgown alined with pearls. The pearls I would take off before bed — they weren't so comfortable while trying to sleep.

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