11: Trial by Fire

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It is time, my lovely readers!  As the gif says, it's Episode Two!One of my favorite Star Wars movies despite its flaws 💜

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It is time, my lovely readers! As the gif says, it's Episode Two!
One of my favorite Star Wars movies despite its flaws 💜

I also don't know much about what happened during the Jedi Knight trials. I looked it up and found different things honesty a bit confusing. I made something up from the information I do understand  (Sorry, hardcore Star Wars Fan):

Trigger warning: If you are easily bothered by accidents/suffering enslaved people, I recommend skipping the trial part.

Leta is now 21, and Anakin is 19. Without further ado, let's get to the story, my lovely readers. I hope you enjoy it❣️

       ✧༺♥༻∞ ∞༺♥༻✧

Not a day had gone by that I didn't think of Anakin. Everything I did, reminded me of him, which was inconvenient. When I was meditating, his laughter and a charming smile appeared; when I spar with my Master, he popped into my thoughts. When I slept, I dreamed of him. Anakin Skywalker was everywhere. It was a desperate reminder of how much he meant to me and how much I missed him.

I think the worst part was the last time I saw him — about three years ago. I saw Anakin from afar. We gazed into each other's eyes, silently communicating without words our yearning to be by each other side — we didn't want to let go — we never would.
That was the problem. It didn't help that I had feelings for him, far more forbidden than just friendship.

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