6: Life Could be a Dream

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Sleep — was one of my favorite words.

It was also one of my favorite things to do because I got to dream. My dreams were unique; they were my world and adventures. But in case anyone was wondering, sleeping on a cold, metal floor with no pillows or blankets was tough. Of course, we didn't take a fancy Naboo ship.

Oh no, why would the Jedi ever do that?

No, it was a two-seater shuttle that had a small cargo bay. So right away, my thoughts of sleeping on the way home should've been cast into oblivion. Of course — Me being a little miss, I do whatever I want. I had to try. Well, guess what? It turned out to be an epic fail — the story of my life.

I rolled myself off the floor and made my way to sit in the copilot seat of the shuttle. I lay in the chair — making myself comfortable — closing my eyes...


Screw my life... more importantly, screw my beauty sleep.

"Yes, Master," I said breathlessly, trying my best not to yawn.

"If you're tired, I suggest you meditate," Windu said without looking from the window at my tired state. Probably a good thing. He wouldn't want to see my messy hair and dark circles under my eyes.

I slipped out of my seat and back into the cargo bay. Meditate, he said. I had half a mind to go back and ask him what good that would do if I couldn't sleep. But I decided, why the hell not? There was literally nothing I could do... except sleep. Oh, wait. I couldn't even do that!

I scoffed as I sat, crisscrossed on the cold ground, closing my eyes. I started to drift away.

So tired...



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My eyes slowly opened. Immediately, a horrible pain shot up my neck. Wait... what the... I found myself leaning up against a box; my head held up on edge. My legs were still crossed.

Did I fall asleep in this position? How long have I been out?

"Padawan, how was your nap?"He asked with little to no emotion; I thought he told me to meditate. Why was he asking.... he knew I would fall over dead, didn't he?

"Horrible, thanks for asking," I groaned, trying to lift my little body off the ground. But my legs were numb from my position, and I fell on my face with a loud thud.

Why me?

"Ouch," I said out of sarcasm more than actual pain. The idea of falling flat on my face... at least I looked good doing it.

"What did I do to deserve this," I groaned as I got back up, hoping I didn't take another trip downward.

"Are we there yet?"

"Yes, be respectful young Padawan. We are attending a funeral." His voice was low, and there was a hint of grief in his tone. I wonder who died and if it had anything to do with Anakin and Obi-Wan.

I followed close behind my Master, not wandering off like I wanted to... though the idea got more appealing. If I did escape, I might have my sanity still intake.
I would be home with my sister, fried Nuna Legs for dinner instead of the monstrosities they serve at the temple, and a bed to sleep in. Later I would tell Padmé I had enough taste of adventure — which would be a lie.

As much as I complained about being a Jedi, I was confident I would find something enjoyable about being one. Like wielding a lightsaber or force-pushing Master Windu off a cliff. A girl — I mean — a Padawan, could dream.

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