1: Besieged 

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Note: I do not have an editor, so there will be mistakes. One example: is tense changing. I'll try to fix it myself the best I can and when I can.

Trailers: all are posted here and on the edit page.


A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

Cue the music!

   Episode 1: The Phantom Menace

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Episode 1: The Phantom Menace


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Naboo, a planet full of beauty and wonder, was my home. I lived here since I was born and never once stepped foot off-planet— even when my older sister took the throne. I often wondered what the galaxy was like beyond crystal clear waters, endless waterfalls, and buildings made of the finest materials, sculptured to appeal to the eye.

I heaved a heavy sigh; I loved it here, but deep inside, I craved something home didn't provide. I wanted to go on an adventure of a lifetime, and it would be epic.

One day... one day, I would paint my own story.

I glanced out the window, squinting my chocolate brown eyes, noticing something odd. In the sunlight, I discerned what appeared to be bronze-colored droids. They were thin as beanpoles and carried blaster rifles like our guards. There accompanied two strange aliens, marching toward the palace. I felt weird as goosebumps rose on my skin. I had a bad feeling about this; I turned on my heel and rushed to warn my sister.

I entered the throne room, her advisers scrambling about. My eyes were wide as I spotted her not dressed in her regal attire as queen. Instead, she wore orange satin handmaiden robes. If she was doing this — she had been expecting trouble. That idea frightened me as I stormed over to her side trembling.

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