23: Leta's Leisures

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This is just a cute filler chapter. I couldn't help but write to explore Leta's and Ahsoka's relationship. And, of course, Anakin's.

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I placed a final piece of art on the wall in the hallway, an abstract painting of many colors. I thought it would liven up our room, at least make it stand out from the fancy gold architecture and the mix of browns and whites of our furniture.

I adored our new apartment. Located in the heart of the city, it had the best view overlooking the Senate Tower and Jedi temple from a large open balcony adorned with golden statues of Naboo culture, a small circle water fountain, white satin curtains aligned the pillars, and comfy sofas to relax and enjoy the scenery.

A Naboo castle. Padmé once again sparred no expanse, and I was grateful she made it like home. It was home, a place outside the restriction of the Jedi Order, and not far away enough if the Jedi needed Anakin and me.

The painting I placed leaned to one side, and I brought a hand to my chin, shaking my head no. I tilted the picture back to the middle and smiled — proudly — hands on my hips and all. The blasted thing leaned again.

"So, you want to play that game, eh?"

I placed it back and readied my hands in case the frame tried anything again.

It does.

I watched in utter dismay as it fell to the side for the third time. And guess what? I said: screw it! Who was I trying to impress? I flipped my hands in the air and left the damn thing there. 

I stormed to the couch in what we called the blue room because it didn't take a starship scientist to figure out the room was blue. It was more Ani's style: oddly simple but lacking his usual taste. I thought it was because he was a guy, and his fancy would be woefully lacking and simplistic like most men I've met. However, I'd seen his room in the Jedi temple. It had a particular style — full of trinkets he collected and stuff to fix and fiddle with. I assumed he didn't waste time decorating because we wouldn't be here nearly as much until the war ended.

I heard the door swish, and Anakin stepped in, holding a large white bag. The moment he entered, the smell of spices, mainly pepper, and rosemary, ensnared my nostrils, and my mouth began to water. What did he buy that smelt so good?

"I knew I would be home for dinner. All I had to was hide away on an Ugnaughts cargo ship, the smell... I'm still debating if it was worth it."

I rolled my eyes and embraced him. "I guess I have to make it up to you." I kissed his cheek, and my lips wandered down his chin to his neck. He held his breath as his hold on me tightened.

"Okay, debate settled, worth it, Anakin moaned. "I would suggest skipping dinner and diving right into dessert, but... I'm starving, and I have sneaky suspicion even you want to..."

His words faded as I gently nibbled on his earlobe. I wanted to continue to tease him, but my stomach rumbled; I pulled back, giggling while looking at my husband's handsome face.

"I thought so," he said smugly as he handed the bag with a smirk. "Never say I don't love you."

He was correct; I was so hungry eating a whole line of nerfburgers was a possibility. I eagerly took the bag and rummaged through it like my last meal. I found stuff he enjoyed eating but nothing...

Wait. Is that he shouldn't have?

My smile became so wide it hurt. I could thank Anakin till the end of time, and I wouldn't be able to convey my happiness or gratitude.

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