19: From Knight to General

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Sorry it took so long to update. It's that wonderful time of the year again! Plus my birthday is coming. I feel like I am scrambling around to make anything perfect. Anyways I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday season!

I have another trailer/video! If you want, go and check it out! I posted on the first chapter and the gif and edit page.

Don't forget to comment and vote button, my lovely readers, and enjoy the story💜

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War had an interesting way of changing things around the Jedi. Suddenly guardians of peace and justice became commanders and generals. It didn't seem right to me; we should keep the peace with our names intact, not accommodate soldiers; we're not military.

When troopers or my fellow Jedi called me General Amidala, I cringed; my mind screamed at them to stop, but on the outside, I smiled and nodded like a good general. But if I learned from the past five months of this force-forsaken war — as much as I joked about it — I wouldn't make a good Queen.

While being a decent commander, getting the job done and keeping my squad alive was my specialty. Such responsibility was daunting; I couldn't imagine being responsible for billions of lives. Having about 2,099 of the 394th regiment at my command, sending them into battle with Obi-Wan's 212th battalion was enough for me.

And knowing myself, how I was. I would remember the fallen as if they were haunting me. I had to honor their sacrifice — to realize it wasn't in vain. I must do better for them. Like the other day, I lost five good men to my recent assault on a vital backwater planet.

I stepped up to a window, placing my hand on the glass.
Tucker, Hopper, Gourmet, Leo, and Web. Some of to finest troopers I served with. I hung my head low, letting out an uneven breath.

I want this war to be over with!

Tears threatened to fall; I took a deep breath. There was no emotion; there was peace. No emotion, no emotion. I slammed my fist against the window. Bottling up my feelings was unhealthy; the Jedi needed a special department for therapy.

"Leta?" I heard a soft voice call my name. However, it wasn't from the room; it echoed in my head. "Are you alright? I sense your distress! Where are you?" Listening to Anakin's voice, the concern in his tone. It made me feel better as I wiped a few tears with my robe.

"Outside the council chambers, by the stairs," I said back through our bond.

"Lucky for you, I'm heading that way. I have to get there before Obi-Wan."

"You better haul jets."

"Already am."

Before I knew it, Anakin was jogging up to me; we both glanced, making sure nobody was around before he embraced me. His arms were strong and comforting — I never felt safer. He kissed my forehead; I still felt the lingering sensation as I rested my head on his chest. His heart was racing a mile a minute, proving he was worried. And probably from running to beat Obi-Wan.

I held on tight, not just to him but to the moments we shared. If the war and threat of never-ending death weren't enough, finding time to sneak around the temple for a kiss or hug was another. At least it kept us on our toes, but I wanted more: I always wanted more when it came to Anakin. I believed he felt the same, but I should give him credit; his outstanding level of control was impressive for an impulsive Jedi. But Anakin would jump without hesitation if I asked him to.

"What's wrong, my love," Anakin whispered while stoking my hair.

"Mainly this war — losing good men," I lamented ." And being unable to have proper rest with you."

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