10: Goodbye

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Cold sweat dripped from my forehead, causing me to shiver—the images were vivid and intense. They always were, but this time was different. I didn't think it showed me the past but the future.

It wasn't pretty.

Master Obi-Wan approached me cautiously, sitting on the bed with a concerned glint in his sea-blue eyes. "Well, I thought you would never wake up. How are you feeling?"

I was glad he didn't mention shouting his Padawan's name. I had no idea how I would explain that.

I give him a weak smile. " I'll be fine." I lied, and he could sense it by my faltering tone. I didn't want anybody to worry about me. Then again, I thought I was dying. Maybe they should pamper me, feed me grapes, and massage my feet?

No? You can't blame a girl for trying.

"You are not fine, Leta," Obi-Wan said, frowning. "I'm not here to bite your head off about why you broke curfew. Believe me. I already gave Anakin an ear full; I'm here to help and ask your side."

Poor Ani, it wasn't his fault by any means. It was mine. I played with fire and got burned, almost literally.

"You better have not been hard on him, Master Obi," I said through my teeth — that came out a bit more harsh than I intended.
I didn't like the idea of Anakin getting punished for something stupid. Even if he was out past Padawan curfew on his own accord, he didn't deserve a slap on the wrist.

"I was what I needed to be."

I rolled my eyes as much as I liked Obi-Wan. That was a fancy way of saying: I'd lost my temper. But the Jedi weren't supposed to feel wrath and anger. What a bunch of bantha poo. If someone asked me how many times I had my butt handed to me by my Master. I'd say more times than I would care to admit. I believe Yoda was the only one that didn't yell.

No, he will slap you silly with his cane.

When I'd thought about it — for a group dedicated to peace — we were an intense bunch—confirming my theory that we were a big unfeeling family.

Isn't it just grand?

"Leta," Obi-Wan snapped his fingers in front of my face. " I need to ask you a few questions."

I ran a hand through my wild hair with a heavy sigh. "Ask away, Master Obi."

He smiled gently through his grizzly beard. He thought about his questions carefully. "You were in a Force coma for a few days. Can you tell me what you saw — if anything?"

Obi-Wan cocked his head in anticipation of my answer. I didn't want to think about it. There was no darker place I could imagine, and that was saying something with an imagination like mine. I remembered it being the definition of pure evil — insidious, malevolent, and every other bad word in the Galaxy.

"I saw images. They're hard to explain. I can barely recall them, but it was pure evil, hate, anger, fear, suffering..." I let my voice trail off. I didn't know what else to say or think other than it could mean the end of the Galaxy as we knew it — and that didn't sound good for morale — even for the Jedi.

"And what does Anakin have to do with it?" Obi-Wan asked.

Of course, he would inquire such a question — and I'll be damned, I had no idea how to answer.

I fumbled with my fingers, not daring to look Obi-Wan in the eyes. "I don't know, maybe nothing at all." I lied again, not wanting anybody else to fear Anakin. " I think I gravitated towards him because he was with me when the situation happened."

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