35: Sacrifices Wield Consequences

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There one is really short, not necessarily sweet. I almost didn't want to do this. I struggled a little while writing it, but...

"I will do what I must." 😉

Anyways thank you for reading, my lovely readers. I hope you enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment. Stay safe and have fun💜

        ✧༺♥༻∞ ∞༺♥༻✧

"It's too tight!" I shouted.

The newer robes I bought a couple of weeks ago hung to my body tightly. I was showing off everything. My outer robe barely covered it. I pouted at Padmé, who shook her head and straightened my robe.

"It should be convincing," she said, backing away and scrutinizing my appearance.

"Should?" I questioned with a quirked brow. "Oh, yeah. You are as confident as a fat Nuna on the week of my birthday."

The sarcasm that dripped from my mouth was enough to cause my sister to huff and raise her hand in front of my face.

"If you dislike my opinion, talk to the hand."

I snorted. "Hello, Mr. Hand. How are you today? Good, well, please tell my dear sister the word should is an arbitrary term and needs to be reevaluated."

I forced her palm so it faced her.
"Ok, reevaluate your opinion," I said, pretending to be the hand speaking.

She pursed her lips, trying to hold in a laugh, but she ended up blowing a raspberry into a fit of laughter, which of course, had me laughing.

"Ok. I understand you are nervous. I can smooth this part out..." She patted down the back, moved the robes around, and Force knows what else to get me looking fit and ready. I hoped she could — otherwise — today was the day.

I'm not ready, even though I should be.

"There, now you look like a Jedi."

I walked over to the mirror and breathed deeply. I looked like a stuffed Tauntaun. There was no way somebody as wise as Master Yoda and Master Windu wouldn't notice.

If they don't — it will be nothing short of a miracle.

"This isn't working anymore," I choked. "I think... it's time to leave the Order."

I didn't want to leave but had my cake, and of course, I ate it. I had to face the consequences of going against the code. All I could do now was protect Anakin from suffering the same fate.

But, it wasn't so much leaving as the disappointment the would sneak through Masters Windu's cold exterior that would cause me to break a little inside.

"If you think now is time, I will support you in any way I can," Padmé said, rubbing my shoulders.

"I have to face the truth. It might as well be now," I sniffled.

"Like ripping off a band-aid?"

"Something like that."

I allowed my hair to flow down in its typical luscious curls. It was a weird way of showing the beginning of my freedom from obligations to the Jedi. Yet without those responsibilities, what was to guide me forward besides my family? Perhaps that was what my new chapter in my life would be about.

I nodded to my sister before exiting my home and into the light guiding me to my fate.

       ✧༺♥༻∞ ∞༺♥༻✧

The long walk to the Council seemed like ages, almost like a never-ending green mile. Except I wasn't being sentenced to death unless you count my death as a Jedi as a part of myself. Something I carried for over thirteen years, the bonds and code suddenly ripped away from me, like losing a limb.

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