20: Moonstruck

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Warning: It gets a bit steamy, but nothing rated M; I don't feel comfortable writing full-on smut. Hence, the story is not rated M.

Anyways, thanks for your understanding, and enjoy the story, my lovely readers 💜

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I leaned on the stone balcony, enjoying the breeze—my hair, free, dancing on and off my face. The sun's heat warmed my soul while the natural scent of roses and spices tickled my nostrils. I heaved a content sigh; nothing in this Galaxy was more enjoyable than Anakin and I together on Naboo.

I turned around; a dress I borrowed from Padmé was a blue Ombré, turning into a sliver at the bottom, while platinum rings held it up. It was an alluring dress — my fully exposed back touched the cold stone. It didn't bother me. I felt like a woman, not just a warrior. It was nice to separate myself and be who I was without the restrictions of the Jedi and their code.

I relaxed, smiling at the lake house. I wanted to say this was where it all began, but that wasn't entirely true. It was on a chrome starship with a little boy bundled in a blanket. He seemed lost, his haunting blue eyes distant and watery; he played with his carved pendant, the same one that hung around my neck. I grasped it tightly, recalling that innocent boy named Anakin Skywalker. He went from being my best friend to the love of my life. Our journey together didn't just begin; It had been evolving.

But the war had taken time away; our love hadn't fully blossomed to the full potential I knew it was capable of. But we made our passion our own: It was boundless. Today would be ours, for better or worse. Though, I highly doubt anything could ruin the mood unless the Clankers invaded Naboo again.

Someone must have a few nuts and bolts loose to make that mistake.

I pushed myself off the railing and headed inside. I was immediately greeted by Anakin standing near the door frame — eyeing me up and down, utterly enthralled. I blushed at his gaze but wouldn't stay shy for long.

"Where did you get that dress?"

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "I'm currently borrowing it; good thing, too. Jedi robes don't do me justice."

"No, they do not," Anakin agreed. "Then again, you could make a trash bag look good on you."

I weaved my hand seductively through my hair, turning my hip towards him while bending my one leg, showing off a bit of my inner thigh. "True, but trash bags are so... restricting."

Anakin gulped — usually, he wasn't nervous, glad to see I was making an impression. "Now you're teasing me," he said huskily.

"Maybe; why don't you come over and find out," I said, raising my finger and beckoning him forward.
I hardly recognized my own words, but I was ready for this, and with Clone Wars threatening every place in the Galaxy, I wasn't sure when we could express our love like this again. I wanted it to be perfect, the time, the spot, to even the buildup. But life never waited for perfection. Instead, we had to create our own.

It will be beautiful, regardless.

"Wait, before we do this..." Anakin looked away, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. "I want to... I think we should..."

I raised my eyebrows at him; Anakin wasn't known to be inarticulate unless he was speaking from the heart... even then, he said what was on his mind without hesitation or falsehood. Maybe we were going too fast for him. If that were the case, I would be fine slowing things down. Though, I didn't know when we would get the chance again.

Finally, Anakin looked at me; my eyes found his. They conveyed uncertainty, again not Ani's style.
He was a risk-taker, went with his gut, and never did what he was told. Perhaps his question was something worth holding back on — something extraordinary.
I bit my lip, waiting patiently for his words to spill out.

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