40: Together, Always and Forever

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Okay, my lovely readers. This is the final chapter, and I might edit the story to fix the mistakes.

This writing journey has been different from my others; I've laughed and cried throughout this process.

Star Wars, in general, is special to me, and particularly prequels hold a very special place in my heart. I miss George Lucas's vision and hope I honored him and his characters.

I love Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Padmé to death, even Ahsoka and Rex from the Clone Wars. It's probably an obsession at this point. Lol.

I genuinely hope you guys/girls enjoyed the story as much as I did writing it, and I'm grateful for your support.

With much love, Thank you.💜 Stay safe and have fun, my lovely readers.

P.S. I'm working on a new third-person story with Anakin and a Nightsister—a completely different premise than this. The first chapter will be up soon, so if you are interested, keep an eye out.

It's called Evermore Bewitching.

      ✧༺♥༻∞ ∞༺♥༻✧

Obi-Wan sat on a medical chair, getting his new leg, while Anakin and I walked over to our children.
I picked up Leia as Anakin eagerly held out his arms, his smile brighter than anything in the Galaxy.

"Meet our daughter. Leia."

Once he held her in his strong arms, his heart melted. If not all of him, as he looked down at her. I could see his eyes glazed over as he cried tears of joy. I picked up Luke, showed him off, and told Ani his name. All he could do was smile.

"I was so close to losing our family. I pro—"

"No more promises, Ani — just let the stars and the Force guide us for once," I said, walking closer to him, staring deep into eyes that went downcast onto our daughter.

He babbled almost nonsensically, his smile ever wider. "Leia, you have your mother's eyes."

The baby didn't know how to respond and looked up at Anakin curiously. He held her tightly, and I sensed the vow inside that he wouldn't allow anything bad to happen to us by his or anyone else's doing.

At least he didn't say it out loud.

I heard a cough, and my name was called out. I turned to Obi-Wan, who still had a droid working on his new robotic leg. He waved his hand at me, and I attended to him.

"Look at you, little Leta. All grown up and saving the Galaxy. And now, a beautiful and strong mom. I couldn't be more proud."

I rolled my eyes with a smirk. "Come on, Obi, stop talking like you are a Master Jedi. Your family."

"Yes, I was afraid you would say that," he sighed, scratching his chin. "I was trying to say—"

"I know, and I'm grateful. But I didn't do all this to be praised. I did this for myself, my family, and perhaps the damn Galaxy."

"Careful," Obi-Wan pointed to Luke. "Youngling ears."

I snorted. I should've known he would say something like that for giggles. I held Luke closer, whispering a sorry. And Obi-Wan chuckled as his eyes landed on Anakin, still smiling and bouncing Leia gently.

"I owe you an apology," Obi-Wan said, looking down at his new leg being attached slowly but surely.
"I doubted you many times. Although I never showed it. And you've proven me wrong time and time again. But it wasn't until you saved Anakin that I realized how wrong I've been. And for that, I am sorry."

I shook my head; I didn't need an apology. Having my family here and Sidious destroyed was good enough for me. "There is no need to say sorry, Obi. You believed when it mattered the most."

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