First Kisses

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Gerard had known Frank for nearly four weeks now.

They had met through Gerard's brother, Mikey.

Frank was in Mikey's year so he was a year younger than Gerard.

They had met at one of Mikey's shows.

Mikey had a band outside of school and Frank happened to be in that band.

It was at one of their shows when Mikey introduced him.

Gerard's first impression of Frank was that he was pretty excitable and a great musician.

He liked to joke about a lot and he never kept still.

Although, according to Mikey, Frank was usually ten times worse.

Gerard had asked why Frank was mellow that day in comparison but Mikey didn't know.

The next weekend, Gerard saw Frank again.

It was Mikey's birthday so a few of his friends came round to their house.

Gerard had spent the majority of this time in his room but went down at nine o'clock to see how it was going.

The first person he saw was Frank.

They met at the bottom of the stairs when Gerard was coming down and Frank was going up to the toilet.

Frank looked down awkwardly before looking back up at him and smiling.

Gerard smiled back as he passed him.

"Hey, Gee," Mikey called to him when he appeared in the living room doorway, "We can't decide what to watch. Come help us choose."

Gerard sat on one of the two sofas next to Mikey and helped him choose a film.

Frank appeared a few minutes later and shyly sat down in the available space next to Gerard.

Gerard decided to stay for a bit after that and watch the film.

Although, the boys weren't really watching it.

They were mainly talking.

Frank was by far the loudest.

He laughed a lot as well.

Mikey and the others told him to shut up occasionally if he kept going on about something.

Gerard didn't speak much apart from a few comments that Frank usually replied to.

The film was soon forgotten once a certain topic of conversation had come up.

"But seriously," Mikey smirked, "Why are girls so into that?"

"How would you know, Mikes?" Gerard spoke, "It's not like you've ever had a girlfriend."

"Shut up. It's just a known fact that some girls prefer singers to actual musicians."

"That's rude," One of his friends, Ray, said, "Like, what's wrong with singers? Maybe you're just jealous 'cuz you can't sing a note or get a girlfriend."

Frank started laughing, "Nice. Ray's right though. Singing's important. And he's right about you not being able to get a girlfriend."

"Fuck off," Mikey slumped, "I could so get a girlfriend."

"Why don't you then?" Gerard chimed in.

Mikey narrowed his eyes at him, "What about you, Gee? Why don't you get one?"

Gerard looked down nervously.

"Or are you still getting over your last one?"

"Shut up," Gerard growled quietly.

A Compilation of Frerard OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now