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Gerard's basement smelt slightly musky and of booze.

It was a little smokey and pretty dim.

You could hear the laughter from upstairs.

Luckily, no one else was home.

It was just Gerard, Frank, Mikey, Ray and Bob.

Gerard and Mikey's parents were away for the weekend.

The guys had begun the evening at eight o'clock.

It was now midnight and they were all rather intoxicated.

Pretty hammered really.

They had run out of things to talk about now so were thinking of some game they could play.

Any game was ten times more entertaining when you were as drunk as a skunk.

"Hey, hey!" Ray smirked, "I know a game."

Gerard took a drag of his cigarette and said, "Dude, we are not playing gay chicken or whatever the fuck it's called."

Frank started giggling uncontrollably.

"Fuck that," Mikey lay back on the floor.

"No, not that!" Ray rolled his eyes.

"What then?" Gerard started pouring more shots.

"What was that game we used to play?"

"Who used to play what?" Mikey asked from the floor.

"Like, teenagers play it," Ray thought hard.

"Duuuude!" Frank tried to stop laughing, "We're teenagers!"

"I'm not!" Gerard grinned.

"Frank's the only teenager," Mikey said.

Gerard and Ray started laughing at Frank.

"Dude, you're a baby!" Gerard grinned.

"What?" Frank frowned, confused, "I'm not a baby!"

"Yeah, you are!" Ray giggled.

"But I'm a man!" Frank smirked.

"Shortest fucking man I've ever seen," Gerard started handing out the shots.

Frank started giggling again at that.

Mikey sat back up and took one of the shots.

When everyone had one, they looked at Gerard expectantly.

He counted down like he had previously all night and they drank the shots.

Frank made a noise and stuck his tongue out.

"Wait," Ray suddenly remembered something, "Is Frank allowed to drink? Isn't this... Illegal?"

He gasped dramatically.

Bob spoke then, "Maybe we should send the baby home."

"I'm not a baby!" Frank whined.

"Fuck! This is illegal?!" Gerard's words slurred slightly, "The cops are coming? What?!"

"I'm fucking nineteen!" Frank pouted.

"Is that illegal?" Ray frowned.

Mikey shrugged, disinterested, "I dunno."

"Hey, Ray?" Bob lit a new cigarette, "What game were you talking about?"

"Oh yeah!" Ray perked up again, "What game do teenagers play?"

A Compilation of Frerard OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now