Shy Guy

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I hated work.

It was the same, day after day.

Still, I needed the job.

It was a stable income that I could not afford to ditch.

Didn't stop it from being boring though.

I was usually a big fan of coffee but when you work in a shitty little cafe, you soon grow tired of making the same things day after day.

Still, I had as much coffee as I wanted at my beck and call.

I usually started off my shifts with a black coffee and then another at lunch.

I had just finished my lunchtime coffee and I put my apron back on, ready for the rest of my shift.

It was slow this afternoon and I was the only one on waiting duty because of it.

That meant that I had to smile a fake smile as bozos gave me their stupid orders.


It was just a temp job while I finished Uni.

"Frank," My boss called over to me, "Two guys just came in. Table near the window."

"Alright," I saluted him and then flipped him off when his back was turned.

Fuck this job.

I spotted the guys as I made my way across the floor.

I plastered a smile on my face and stopped next to their table.

"Hello, I'm Frank and I'll be your server," I drawled out the scripted lines, "Will you be ordering food today?"

One of the guys, the one with glasses, answered, "Nah. Just hot drinks."

"Okay dokey," I scribbled down 'no food'.

I looked back up to see the other guy staring at me.

His mouth was slightly open and he looked speechless.

I frowned a little before continuing, "Um... What can I get you guys?"

Glasses guy looked down at the menu before giving me his coffee order.

I wrote it down and then turned to the other guy.

He was still kinda staring.

"For you, Sir?" I raised an eyebrow.

Glasses guy frowned and nudged the other guy.

He blinked then and his cheeks went pink.

"Oh uh..." He hid his face in his menu, "Just a coffee with a lot of sugar and cream."

I wrote it down and took the menus away from them.

Well, that was weird.

I tried to forget about it as I went into the kitchen and gave one of the barristers the order.

"Frank!" Someone called, "A family just came in."

"Okay," I sighed, going back out into the cafe.

The family mentioned was at the table next to the two guys from earlier.

As I was taking their order, I felt like someone was watching me.

I couldn't just stop writing and turn around though.

So I completed the order and took their menus.

As I turned, I found out that I was absolutely right.

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