Strange Boys

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"Have you ever had sex while you were drunk?"

"What?" Gerard looked up in surprise.

Frank was grinning as he nudged Gerard. "You know, drunk sex."

Gerard was flustered. He could feel his face burning and tried to hide it by looking down at his sketchbook. "What sort of a question is that?"

"Just trying to get to know you a little better."

Gerard looked up again to see Frank raising his eyebrows in interest. "We met an hour ago."


"Well, that's not the sort of question you ask someone you've just met." Gerard informed him, trying to pretend that he wasn't red from ear to ear.

Frank's smile widened. "Have I embarrassed you?" He was sitting cross-legged on the sofa like a little boy waiting for his mom to give him a cookie or something.

"No, I-"

"Your face is red." Frank cut him off.

Gerard was tripping over his own tongue. "I- Shut up!"

Okay, there was definitely something wrong with this guy. Why was he so open about everything? Gerard was the opposite and thought that some things shouldn't be talked about.

It was no surprise that Frank giggled at him, not even trying to behave courteously or letting Gerard regain his dignity. "I've embarrassed you, aww."

"Shut up!" Gerard repeated, staring down at his drawing and wishing this annoying guy would go away.

"What's going on?" Mikey's voice made Gerard look up again. He was standing in the doorway with crossed arms and raising an eyebrow at both of them.

"Tell him to shut up, Mikey." Gerard pointed at the guy laughing next to him.

One side of Mikey's mouth quirked up slightly. "I don't think anyone can tell Frank to shut up."

Gerard mumbled something about irritating guys who didn't know what wasn't inappropriate to ask and went back to his drawing. Of course Mikey wouldn't help him; he liked to watch him suffer.

"You didn't answer my question." Frank stated, his laughter finally deceased.

Gerard couldn't help but sigh as he looked up again. "I'm not answering it."

"Does that mean you have then?" Frank's smile was apparently attached to his face.

"What? No!" Gerard couldn't remember the last time he had been this flustered. It was like this guy was purposely trying to push Gerard out of his comfort zone.

"What was the question?" Mikey came into the room properly and sat on the armchair next to the window, "Actually, do I want to know?"

Frank shrugged, "It's not a bad question."

Gerard almost made an embarrassingly high-pitched noise. "Yes, it is!"

One of Frank's eyebrows arched up in interest. "You're kind of dramatic. Did you know that?"

"I think everyone knows that." Mikey said from the armchair.

Gerard decided to ignore him. "I'm not dramatic. You're just strange."

That earned a laugh from both Frank and Mikey. Gerard didn't know who to glare at more. "I hate you guys."

"You're really not helping yourself, Gee." Mikey left the room again.

Whatever. Gerard wasn't being the strange one.

"Would you ever have drunk sex?" Frank was resting his chin on his hand and looking at Gerard with wide eyes like he was genuinely really interested in the answer.

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