The Thrilling Saga Of Trying To Make Frank Iero Jealous by Gerard Way

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it's not actually that thrilling. i just enjoyed writing it.


Great lengths. I have gone to great fucking lengths and all at the expense of one guy. Not just any guy though. Cheesy shit but true. Frank Iero was the most attractive person I had ever met so of course I was going to do anything to try and get with him.

I usually didn't see myself as that bothered about relationships or shit like that but that changed when we started High School. Being fourteen and male, you can see why we were all suddenly interested. Although, that wasn't my main intention. At least, not until my second year. That was when he started the school.

Mikey met Frank first. They were in the same homeroom and had a bunch of classes together so they became friends almost instantly. I didn't even know of the guy's existence until he showed up at our house one day.

You wouldn't think that someone a year younger than you could have a hold over you but it happened. His confidence and bluntness made him see older but his smile and laugh reminded you that he was still fourteen.

I'd never experienced a crush before. Like, not a proper one. I'd liked some girl in elementary but she had never noticed me so it hadn't lasted long.

The thing with Frank was that he talked to me and treated me like a friend. That was what had started it.

It was only a slight inconvenience at first. Like, a funny feeling in my chest when he smiled at me or the overwhelming sensation to talk to him. Nothing too major.

He came over a lot after school to play video games with Mikey and I'd attempt to join them until Mikey kicked me out. I wasn't exactly seen as the 'cool older brother'. I was just a nerd who told them the theories behind the potions and which battle plan they should take.

By the time a year had gone by and I was a Junior, I knew I had proper, real feelings for Frank. I wasn't sure what it was about him. Mikey had a ton of friends who came round a lot and there were plenty of guys in my own grade. So what made Frank so special?

Maybe it was just that he was super friendly and tried to include me if we were all just sat in the living room and they were talking. Or maybe it was because if we passed each other at school, he would smile and say, "hey, Gerard". That shouldn't make me as happy as it did.

It was kinda nice growing up beside him- well, not beside him beside him, just at the same time -and seeing him grow (although, he hadn't really grown lately) and just mature. Don't get me wrong, he still had a wicked sense of humour and found the concept of boobs as funny as the other guys in his year but he was different. He acted differently around me to his other friends and I knew that because I often saw him hanging with Mikey and their friends at school.

I obviously wasn't allowed to hang around with them. Mikey had made that perfectly clear the year before. I didn't mind. I was sure that if I spent too much time with Frank, he would know something was up and I was not in the position for him to find out and tease me about it.

Part of me knew that he wouldn't tease me but I couldn't stop the nagging feeling that he wouldn't want to talk to me anymore. It was an awkward concept.

I was fine with silently suffering while he didn't know. I was sure he had no idea but that didn't stop my paranoia.

I never really had any intention of telling him. Like, could you imagine that conversation? There was no way I could do it when I couldn't even hold a normal conversation with him for more than a minute before internally freaking out and having to leave the room.

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