Socialising Is Actually Good?

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Gerard was really into musicians. Like, really into them.

He'd always had a thing for them, especially guitarists. It was just something about the way they played; throwing themselves into it, using tons of energy, and getting hot onstage. It got to Gerard.

He'd been out with a couple in the past but it had never worked out. It didn't stop him from wanting to go out with another musician though.

He had thought about maybe even wanting to settle down with a musician but that could be tricky. In his experience, musicians could be immature and always on the go. Either that or they were really laid back and didn't give a shit about anything. It was becoming less and less likely. Or maybe he just hadn't found his musician yet.

There was still time. Gerard was still only in his twenties; twenty seven to be exact. It wasn't like his biological clock was ticking or anything.

He was fine with being on his own, really. Sure, he got lonely sometimes but he worked so much, he didn't really notice. He was fine.

Although, there were times when he was sat on his own on a Saturday evening, watching some DC film, when the loneliness would creep up. It wasn't necessarily a horrible thing; it was just majorly inconvenient.

He'd had relationships but none had ever stuck. None had ever lasted long enough. Maybe because he was still living in the fantasy that the one person who was meant for him would find him on their own. He wasn't that into looking anymore.

Mikey tried to help out by setting him up now and again but that never worked out either. Gerard was sure that Mikey worried about him being on his own most of the time.

The thing was though, Gerard didn't mind being on his own. It was only on the odd occasion when he would yearn for some company and someone to cuddle at night. Other than that, he was fine.

Although, that didn't stop him from lusting after musicians when he saw them playing onstage. A guy could dream right?

Other than the occasional concert, Gerard rarely went out for fun. He usually only stuck to going out if he really had to. He knew he was a recluse but he didn't care. It was just the way he was. He couldn't help it.

This obviously left a bit of a dampener on his chances to find someone but it wasn't like he was really looking. He'd notice attractive guys but he'd never actually go up to them. You had to have a lot of guts to do that sort of thing and that was something Gerard didn't have.

Maybe that was one of the reasons why he was so set on going out with a musician; he admired their confidence. Perhaps he wanted that confidence to rub off on him. That made sense.

Mikey knew a lot of musicians. Like, a lot. The problem was, many of them were womanising assholes. You wouldn't think it but it was hard to find a nice, gay guy. Or even just gay. Gerard wasn't picky.

Although, he had been out with a controlling motherfucker before and that hadn't been fun. He supposed that had knocked his confidence a bit. Especially as that guy used to be emotionally abusive.

That was all in the past now and Gerard was trying to forget about it. After all, there was no point in letting something shitty like that hang over you like a dead weight for years. Gerard saw it as a waste of potential. He'd let that memory fuck up one of his most recent relationships and he wasn't about to let that happen again.

His last relationship had lasted two months and had ended about five months ago. Gerard had gotten desperate and had regretfully taken part in a one night stand since then but he was trying to forget about that. It had made him feel dirty and sad. He already felt sad a lot of the time, he didn't need to feel dirty as well.

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