Scarlet Tracks (Part One)

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Frank was starting college.

He was studying Music at an Art college in the city.

Frank had never enjoyed high school. Like, who even needs all those bullshitter subjects? He was, of course, pleased as fuck to leave and focus on a subject he actually enjoyed. And that subject happened to be Music. What else?

Frank had to audition to get onto the course so he had taken his favourite electric and was told then and there that he had gotten in. He knew he had skills but come on.

As he wasn't going to a local college, he didn't know anyone else on the course and he had to take the train there and back every day. He didn't mind the train but ugh, getting up at seven was not his idea of fun.

The train station wasn't far from his house so it only took about twenty or twenty-five minutes to get there. He got up as late as he could, at twenty past, and left his house at half past and got there just in time for his 7:59 train. It was cutting it a bit close but fuck it, he enjoyed his sleep.

The train journey lasted around an hour, not that Frank paid that much attention.

He then had to walk from the train station to the Art college and that took around twenty minutes because there was a motherfucker of a hill to climb up. Who's idea was it to put a train station at the bottom of a hill? Whoever it was, Frank decided he was a dickwad.

After the first day he had climbed up it, he had agreed that he was not friends with that hill. More like mortal enemies.

That day had been induction day, a week before college actually began.

On that day, Frank had to show up and sign some paperwork and basically sit there all afternoon. Literally.

He spent that time listening to music and people watching. That was always his favourite, time-passing game. The theme of the day was guessing what course everyone was on.

It was kind of obvious for some people. The Performing Arts people were pretty loud and talked a lot. Music people stuck to themselves and only talked to people they knew, hence Frank not talking to anyone. Everyone looked arty so anyone could be on one of the Art courses. There were a lot of Art courses.

No one had really caught his eye yet, attractiveness wise.

That was until he had been glancing around for twenty or so minutes.

He had a view of the whole reception area and front entrance from where he was sitting. So that meant that he had a good view of the guy that entered next.

He had bright red hair coming out of his head and was wearing black jeans with a Black Flag t-shirt. Not too shabby, Frank thought.

You'd have to be an idiot not to see him really. His hair was really bright.

He wasn't too tall but was obviously taller than Frank, just like everybody else was.

Frank couldn't help but stare at him as he made his way over to the reception desk. Two people were following him, probably his Mom and maybe brother?

Frank decided to go back to his game while the guy talked to the receptionist, his Mom and brother at his shoulders. So what course was this guy on? He had to be doing Art.

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