Painted Sleep

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I wrote this at two in the morning when I should have been sleeping. My life is just one big 'fuck it' moment.

I am very inexperienced when it comes to writing smut so bear with.

!!Contains smut!!


What was the time?

Gerard had only just remembered the concept of time was an actual thing. As soon as he had finished working, he suddenly thought, 'Ah yes. That's a thing. Why the fuck am I still up?'

It didn't help that he didn't have a clock in his studio and he had no idea where his phone was. The last time he had it, he had left it in the living room. Although, Frank had probably taken it since then as a joke to see how long Gerard would notice. Gerard was never that bothered.

He stretched loudly and then sat back in his chair, wondering what the fuck he should do next. He hadn't eaten for a while so maybe that should be a priority. However, it was just hitting him how beat he was. Sleep seemed like a good idea.

It hit him then that Frank would be asleep. Sure, that wasn't a massive problem but Gerard liked it when they went to bed together. He found it satisfying lying next to another person, hearing their breathing slow down as sleep develops them. Plus, that was the only time of the day when Frank wasn't buzzing on excess energy; he actually stayed still and relaxed. In Gerard's opinion, it was the time of day when Frank was most at ease and honest about anything. And now Gerard had missed it.

He scowled at this newfound knowledge and got up, dumping his brushes in the sink and watching as the colors ran with the soapy water. He couldn't be fucked to clean up properly so left them as they were.

Staying up had been worth it though. The positive definitely outweighed the negative. The painting he had finished was one of his best yet, in his opinion, and he could see it being used for the next issue of his comic book. A good day's work.

He switched off the light and tried his best to make his way up the stairs in the dark. This was tricky business. He managed it though and shut the door behind him.

He liked the fact his art studio was in the basement. It reminded him of his room at his mom's house and that memory was a welcome one.

Gerard stopped halfway down the corridor, deliberating with himself whether or not to eat something before he went to bed. His stomach grumbled, deciding on food for him.

Sighing, he went into the kitchen, turning on the light on the way. The bright artificial light hurt his eyes and he spent a moment clasping them shut before blinking again and padding across the room to the fridge.

The clock on the oven said it was seventeen minutes past three. Well, shit. He hadn't thought it was that late.

He was disappointed to find that there actually wasn't much in the fridge. It was Friday, Saturday now, and that meant Frank would go shopping at the weekend. That also meant that there wasn't much to eat.

Gerard settled on toast with some butter alternative of Frank's. It wasn't as nice as butter but it would do. He ate the toast quickly, downing a glass of water straight after. Now it was time for sleep.

He exited the kitchen, leaving his plate in the sink for his morning self and switching off the light. The darkness that settled around him was strange and he blindly made his way down the corridor.

As he passed the living room, he heard the light jingle of collars and then silence. Peppers and Sweet Pea were probably fast asleep. Even the dogs were on top of things.

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