Cringy Boyfriends

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i got ill so i decided to live my wanting to be looked after dreams through frank. i don't like being eighteen if it means looking after yourself.

short and shitty is how i would describe this. it is very fluffy.


Gerard's leather jacket smelt like smoke. A lot. It was a little damp from the rain and at first, Frank thought wearing it would make him feel colder. As usual though, Gerard was right and the jacket was surprisingly warm.

The sleeves were too long but that was normal for any large jacket. With his hood up, Frank felt toasty and small as he walked to school. Especially as Gerard's hand was clasped with his own.

The rain hadn't really eased up and Frank knew he was going to get a cold. That was part of the reason why Gerard had made him wear his jacket. It was probably too late already; Frank had already walked ten minutes to get to Gerard's house so he was already most of the way to drenched when Gerard had opened the door.

It was at times like these that Frank wished Gerard had a car. He knew how to drive but he never really got the chance to; his mum's car was always being used.

As usual, Gerard's expression when he saw Frank was one of guilt, like he was the one to make it rain down on him. He immediately took off his jacket and shoved it at him. After a small argument, Frank gave in because standing any longer in the rain was just going to give the definite oncoming cold more leverage.

He felt a little bad about taking the jacket but he knew Gerard would feel worse if he didn't. All Gerard had on was his own hoodie but he didn't look like he minded one bit.

They walked fast to get to school, walking as far away from the road as they could to avoid any car splashes. Frank had already been splashed twice.

They usually walked with Mikey as well but they hadn't waited for him. As soon as Frank had put Gerard's jacket on, they had gone. Gerard was attempting anything to stop Frank from getting sick but Frank had already accepted his fate. He wouldn't be surprised if he was sneezing by second lesson.

He had black, fingerless gloves on and Gerard always argued that they didn't do much. Frank liked them though so just stuck his tongue out at him if it came up. Gerard had sighed louder than usual when Frank had taken one of them off to hold Gerard's hand. Gerard had argued that he could still wear it and hold his hand but Frank knew that gloves ruined it slightly; you couldn't really feel or appreciate it as much with gloves on. And anyway, Gerard's hands were warm so that solved that problem.

They went to Gerard's locker when they made it to school. Mainly because it was next to a heater but also because if Mikey did catch them up, he would meet them there.

As usual, they got some stares and a couple of quiet remarks as they walked down the corridor. Frank always felt slightly smug holding Gerard's hand. Gerard was a senior and he would be eighteen in a few months whereas Frank was only a junior. He had only just turned sixteen. Also, in Frank's opinion, Gerard was the hottest guy in school. Not many people seemed to agree with him but he knew he was right.

And yeah, homophobia was still around but it was easily ignored by this point.

"Stand there." Gerard moved Frank to the right and placed him right in front of the heater. He had that worried expression on, the one he always got when Frank and illnesses were concerned. Which was often.

Gerard's hair was wet. If anything, he was the idiot for not putting his hood up. The chin length, black strands were sticking to the sides of his face and Frank thought he couldn't get any luckier. Why was the hottest guy in school going out with him?

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