Sexuality Sucks

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Two weeks. Detention every day after school for two weeks.

If Frank had any sort of a social life he would've minded. However, since he only had about three friends and they weren't exactly big party animals either, Frank couldn't care less about his extended punishment.

He didn't regret what he had done either. In fact, staying an hour extra after school every day meant that he had less time in the evenings to lie on his bed watching shitty shows out of boredom. He actually had something to do for once. Even if it was just sitting at a desk in his English classroom, staring into space.

His English teacher, Mr Melbourne, didn't really give a shit about the whole affair either. He just sat at his desk, reading old car magazines and occasionally telling someone to be quiet if the noise arose to anything higher than a whisper.

Frank wasn't exactly a regular detention goer but he was beginning to recognise the same people who turned up either every day or every couple of days. Sure, Frank wasn't a detention room virgin but he hadn't really been made to go there since about ninth grade. That was when he had been labelled as a "problem child" who was "troubled" because of his parent's divorce. Pfft. Sure.

Fridays were the worst days for detention and apparently every teacher knew that, hence the fact there seemed to be a lot more people forced to be there on the first Friday of Frank's sentence. That was the day Frank recognised one guy who had apparently been there all week like Frank had been.

Like a lot of people, Frank included, this guy had a certain desk he sat at during detention. He sat two desks in front of Frank so Frank only really saw the front of him when he was entering the classroom at the beginning of detention. Frank was obviously a rebel because he sat on the back row, even when Mr Melbourne had asked him to sit closer. What a hard man.

The only reason why Frank sat at the back was because during shitty detention, he liked to pretend he was invisible. He didn't really want to be there so if he thought hard enough, he could easily make the hour pass quickly with some daydreams. Also, sitting at the back meant he could sneakily listen to his music through one of his earbuds on the sly.

Anyway, back to the guy sat two desks in front of Frank. Frank hadn't really given the guy much thought until he had noticed him sitting down when he had entered the room on that first Friday. That had got Frank thinking and he soon realised that yes, this guy had been there every day that week like Frank. They seemed to have something in common. At least, the fact that they had both done something bad enough to get daily detention was something they had in common. That was enough to gain Frank's attention. Although, that wasn't necessarily an arduous task.

He wasn't sure why exactly this guy had gained his interest. It wasn't like there was anything special about him. He seemed to be just an average high school student, maybe a little more reclusive though. Although, who wouldn't be reclusive in detention? Frank was a lot quieter there than he would have been if he was with his friends or at home. Maybe this guy was the same. Although, Frank couldn't really see him as the loud type. Maybe he was just quiet. And maybe that was what interested Frank. Opposites attract and all that.

Frank spent most of that hour on Friday thinking about what that guy might have done. He was one of the less rowdy regulars. In fact, Frank was pretty sure he had never heard him speak at all. Whereas, the girls in the corner were constantly being told off and were made to split up, and the two guys sat by the window usually earned a telling off or maybe even a threat from Mr Melbourne. Frank occasionally got a few words if he was closing his eyes for a moment or two or if he was tapping on the table. He was a fidgeter.

He wasn't even sure if he knew what the guy looked like. Sure, he had seen him. Like, he wasn't invisible or anything, jeez. The thing was though, he always had his head down over some piece of paper he was scribbling onto and his hair didn't help matters. The guy had some pretty rancid bangs hanging low over his face pretty much constantly. His hair looked permanently greasy and it was dyed black so that made it look even dirtier. At least, Frank was guessing it was dyed. It looked too unnatural not to have come out of a bottle.

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