What A Chick Flick

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"Frank's mad at you."

Gerard didn't have time to respond, barely even taking in what his brother had said.

"What have you done now, Gee?" Ray asked in a slightly exasperated tone.

"What?" Gerard looked up. He hadn't done anything. That he knew of anyway.

"Frank's pissed. Properly pissed," Mikey informed them, looking at his brother from over his glasses.

Ray and Bob were looking at him as well. They were all apparently waiting for a confession of some sort.

"I haven't done anything," Gerard sighed.

Frank was probably blowing something way out of proportion. Everything was pissing him off lately, in Gerard's opinion.

Mikey shook his head, seemingly disappointed with Gerard's answer.

"Well what is it then?" Gerard asked him. He honestly didn't have a clue. It could be anything for all he knew.

"I'm not telling you if you don't already know," Mikey replied.

Gerard groaned in response. That wasn't helping things at all.

"All I'm going to say," Mikey continued, "Is that he had a massive rant to me in Chemistry this morning. And you've fucked up bad."

Gerard groaned again. Fucking hell, what was it this time? He didn't do these things, whatever they were, on purpose.

At that moment, he spotted Frank across the room.

Frank was walking into the cafeteria but when he saw Gerard looking at him, he stopped and turned around, leaving again with a glare on his face.

What the actual fuck had he done? It must have been something bad if Mikey was judging him about it.

"What the fuck have I done?" Gerard demanded. This could go on for weeks and he didn't think he could go that long without talking to his best friend.

Mikey just gave him a look. A look that read, "find out on your own, Jackass".

Gerard groaned again, dropping his head onto his arms on the table.

Maybe he should just talk to Frank about it. But then again, if he asked what he had done wrong, that might infuriate Frank further and he really didn't want that.

Gerard looked up again to see Ray looking at him with a sympathetic expression. Maybe he could gain an informant.


Ray shook his head, "No way, Dude. I'm not getting involved."

Gerard almost growled. This was seriously the last thing he needed at the moment. He had to finish his coursework for Art. That was supposed to be his main focus and he couldn't let this distract him so he would initially fail.

"Frank's gonna have to wait," Gerard decided, "I have to finish my portfolio and I don't have time to run after him with apologies for something I haven't actually done."

Mikey rolled his eyes. "Pretty sure you have done it but okay."

"Well what is it? What have I done?!"

But of course, because he was a fucking pain in the ass, Mikey didn't answer. He just turned back to his phone, fingers flying across the screen.

"I have Homeroom with him next. I could maybe try and-"

Gerard almost kissed Ray then. "Please! I hate it when he's mad at me."

Ray's expression softened a little. "Okay, then. I'll see what I can do."

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