What Happened Last Night?

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"Where's Frank?"


"When isn't he sleeping?"

Mikey shrugged, "When he's eating."

"That would be a skill," Ray's voice appeared as he came into the room, "Imagine if you could sleep and eat at the same time."

"That would be sleep-eating, right?" Gerard frowned.

Mikey shrugged again, showing he wasn't interested.

Ray sat by Mikey on the sofa and stretched a little.

"What's going on then?" He asked.

"Gerard asked where Frank was and I said he was asleep, that's all. Not that exciting," Mikey rolled his eyes.

"Oh okay."

Gerard, who was leaning against the counter in the kitchen, took a long sip from his mug.

The coffee was still warm and gave him an idea.

He poured more into another mug and took it into the sleeping compartment of the bus.

He knew for a fact that Frank would have a raging headache this morning after what he drank last night.

He would need a coffee.

Frank's bunk was the last one on the left side of the bus.

It was directly across from Gerard's.

"Frank," Gerard knocked lightly on the wall next to the curtain.

He could hear Frank's light snoring.

Gerard knocked a bit louder.

Frank moaned in his sleep but didn't wake.

Gerard sighed before pulling the curtain back.

Frank was lying on his front, his mouth open and his hair over his eyes.

He wasn't wearing a top and his duvet covered him from the waist down.

Gerard couldn't help but smile at the sight.

"Frank," Gerard shook his shoulder slightly.

Frank moaned again and turned onto his side.

Gerard shook him again.

Frank swatted him off and mumbled, "Piss off."

Gerard smirked and replied, "Wake up, asshole."

Frank muttered something unknown and pulled his pillow over his head.

For God's sake.

"Come on," Gerard sat down next to him on the bunk, "It's almost midday."

Frank made a noise in protest.

Gerard looked down at him.

He couldn't help but marvel over the ink on Frank's body.

It was amazing.

The colours and the-

"Dude. You okay?"

Gerard looked up again.

Frank was peering out from under the pillow and smirking at him.

"Uh yeah," Gerard blushed and looked away.

Frank removed the pillow from off of his head and sat up properly.

Gerard crossed his legs on the end of the bunk and looked at him again when he had composed himself.

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