The Spare Room

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The house was a standard, bigger than necessary, American house. It had two storeys, two bathrooms and a massive kitchen. Okay, the kitchen wasn't that big but it was if you weren't really into cooking.

There were three bedrooms. Well, technically two. Their bedroom, a guest room and a box room that could probably be used as an office or something but all it had in it was an empty wardrobe. The only reason they hadn't decided to do anything with it yet was because there was an unspoken topic hovering around it.

The room was a good size for maybe an extra small addition to the family and they both knew it. Neither had approached the topic yet though, at least not directly. So until one of them did, the room would stay silent with that empty wardrobe for company.

They had a dining room but they never used it. That had used it maybe once since they had moved in almost two years ago. And that had only been during a visit from both of their moms last year sometime. They usually ate out or in the living room.

Frank was happy with the house. He still believed they had made a good investment and usually Gerard agreed with that. He sometimes moaned about wanting to get a place with an extra room though to work on his art. Whenever that came up, Frank would tell him to get his head out of his ass and enjoy where they were at the moment.

Gerard knew he was right so usually just shut up after that.

Although, he had been thinking about working at home lately. It definitely was a possibility. His current comic book, Umbrella Academy, had recently published its first issue and it seemed to be doing well. The day it had sold one hundred copies, Frank had congratulated him with an actual meat burger and a pretty nice night in the bedroom. And hey, who was Gerard to say no to that?

Lately though, he had been thinking about finishing the next issue at home. He was finding the office more of a distraction than a workspace. Especially when it seemed to be someone's birthday every freaking day. That meant a lot of cake and Gerard already thought he had put on enough weight since the wedding. Cake was the last thing he needed.

Frank didn't help matters by saying he liked Gerard's "cute, little belly". But it wasn't like he had anything to worry about. Frank never seemed to put on any weight which was totally unfair in Gerard's opinion. Okay, sure, Gerard knew that the reason he had gained was because he was happy. And that was true. He was really happy at the moment. He had a great job and house and not to mention an amazing and hot as fuck husband.

The weight gain, though not that obvious, was just a small inconvenience and Gerard could have done without it to be perfectly honest. Even though he was happy, he had been worrying lately which was one of his fatal flaws. He was somewhat glad Frank understood because he often went through the same thing. They were sometimes as bad as each other unfortunately. Frank was good at keeping a level head though and that helped Gerard in the long run. So in some ways, they were good for each other.

Going back to the working at home plan, Gerard honestly didn't see anything wrong with it. Frank had other ideas though. His new band was just starting up. He was still writing lyrics and guitar parts and he mainly did that at home. So that meant if Gerard worked at home, Frank was there too and come on, Frank could be a huge distraction when he wanted to be.

Gerard had mixed feelings about Frank's new band. He loved the music Frank made and enjoyed seeing how happy it made him. What Gerard didn't like though, was the eventual touring Frank would be doing. Like, how was he supposed to survive months at a time without him?

Sure, he'd voiced his worry to Frank but Frank had just told him that it would be fine and that hadn't really helped matters. Still, Gerard would just have to suck it up and not act like a clingy husband.

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