My Brother's Boyfriend II

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A few weeks had passed since Gerard had met Mikey's new boyfriend, Frank.

There was a problem.

Gerard was really caught up on him.

He just couldn't get him out of his head.

It really didn't help that he just happened to be round Gerard and Mikey's apartment practically every day.

Gerard had made it his priority to get to know Frank.

He had been doing pretty well at asking questions without sounding too creepy.

And Frank didn't seem to mind talking about himself.

It was a Saturday morning when Gerard almost died walking into the kitchen.

He was in his pyjamas still which happened to be his skeleton onesie.

Yawning, he reached the kitchen doorway and froze.

Frank was in there.

In... In just bottoms.

His chest was bare.

Gerard swallowed hard and took in Frank's appearance.

Frank, who was facing away from him, turned around.

"Oh, good morning," He smiled.

"Uh..." Gerard was lost for words.

Frank had even more tattoos on his chest and stomach.

He wore his pyjama bottoms low and Gerard was finding it hard to keep his eyes from heading down there.

"Coffee?" Frank was pouring some into a mug.

"Um yeah thanks..." Gerard walked into the room a little more but kept his distance.

Frank handed him a mug.

Gerard hesitantly took it.

Frank grinned.

"I like your onesie."

Gerard looked up from his coffee.

"Thanks," He smiled.

Gerard took a sip.

"You look cute."

Gerard just about choked on his coffee.


"You look cute in your onesie," Frank winked and took a gulp out of his mug.

Gerard just about died.

Mikey appeared then.

"Morning, guys," Mikey walked over to Frank.

Frank handed him a mug of coffee.

"Thanks," Mikey kissed him.

Gerard's heart dropped and he looked down.

When he had looked back up, Frank was whispering something in Mikey's ear and Mikey was giggling.


This was so unfair.

Gerard had to leave the room.

He went into the living room and collapsed into the armchair.

Sadly, Frank and Mikey had followed him.

"Oh hey, thanks for letting me borrow some of your pyjamas," Frank smiled as he sat on the sofa.

"No problem," Mikey grinned back.

A Compilation of Frerard OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now