Universal Signs?

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So, yesterday I fell down a hole again and it was so surreal because I hadn't felt that bad in over half a year. I guess it was everything that had happened recently (a lot of bad shit rained down on me over the last two weeks) finally smashed me in the face and I ended up face down on the floor. But you know what? Fuck that. Fuck it all, man. That the best you can do? I got right back up, shoved my middle fingers in the air and yelled FUCK YOU.

This is lit Frank just voicing my opinions.


"Come on, Dude. I know there's nothing I can say to make it better but you just gotta ride the wave until something better comes along."

Frank downed the rest of his beer in one gulp, squeezing the can in his hand to flatten it when it was empty. "Fucking- You know what? Fucking Universe can eat shit!"

Ray looked slightly weary but tried to keep up. "Um what?"

It had only been a moment ago that Frank had been on the verge of tears, talking about how guys never liked him and how shit his course at college was. He had had a pretty shit couple of weeks and another shitty thing after shitty thing kept dropping down on him and he had finally broken down to Ray on a night out. Ray was good at comforting his friends but he hadn't expected Frank to go full circle from talking about ending things to the fucking Universe can eat shit.

Frank almost fell attempting to stand up from the little outdoor table they were sat at outside the bar. He gracefully caught himself before his legs went from under him and hauled himself up, throwing the can onto the floor with a satisfying crack.

"This fucking wave I'm on can go fuck itself! And- You know what? Come on!" He threw his arms out, looking up to the dark sky, "Is this the best you can do? Is this the best you can throw at me, Universe?! I fucking think not."

"Frank." Ray glanced around to see that people were watching to his horror, "Calm down." Causing a scene had not been the original plan when they had met up for a drink.

"Try harder next time." Frank spat on the ground, dropping his arms.

"Nice to see the confidence but, man-" Ray looked around again, "You're gonna get us kicked out."

"From the outside?" Frank looked at him with a smirk, "This is everyone's world." He then proceeded with his fuck everything attitude by climbing up onto the bench he had previously been sitting on.

"I don't deserve this! I can bounce back from this!"

He hadn't drank that much had he? Ray tried to count backwards.

Frank was looking down and seemed to be directing his next outburst at his friend. "Fuck it all, you know? The Universe can fuck off and give me a break. I know I'm not anything special but I do not deserve this!"

Ray forgot about how embarrassing Frank was being and his expression softened. Frank seemed to be having an episode of some sort and damn if Ray wasn't going to be supportive anyway. "I know, Buddy, you don't."

Frank, still stood on top of the bench, crossed his arms and apparently had more to say, "I don't care if I killed someone in a past life because that's not me now, okay?"

"Okay." Ray agreed, more entertained than anything now as he drank some more of his beer, "Tonight's been a bit of a rollercoaster for you, huh?"

Frank nodded in agreement, "Yeah and I'm climbing back up like, fuck you, bitches, give me a free ride."

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