Carpool Buddy

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Gerard was starting his second year of college, studying Art. His speciality was illustration but he enjoyed learning about animation as well.

After a long Summer of basically doing fuck all, Gerard had to face going back to long days of crappy college coffee, rude students and bus rides. Hopefully his second year would be better than the first though.

"Oh, Gerard."

Gerard looked up from his phone.

His Mom was cooking dinner and had asked him to come up and help but he wasn't really doing much.

"My friend's son is going to the same college as you. He's starting his first year." Donna told him as she got out the plates, "He's studying music."

"Cool." Gerard muttered, playing with his hoodie sleeve.

"He has his own car." Donna continued, "And they only live around the corner."

Gerard's ears perked up. What was his Mom getting at? "Okay..." He was more cautious than before.

Donna grabbed the cutlery. "Can you call Mikey down?"

Gerard sighed and pulled out his phone again to text him. It wasn't like he'd be able to hear him with his headphones in anyway.

"I was thinking." Donna stopped what she was doing and turned to face her son.

Gerard put his phone away and waited for what she would say next. He could tell this wasn't going to be good.

"Since it's his first year." She smiled guiltily, "Maybe you two could carpool."

And there it was.

"Really, Mom?" Gerard sighed. The last thing he wanted was someone to make small talk with on the way to college every day. He would have preferred to sit on the smelly bus.

"He's a lovely boy." Donna turned back to the dinner, "He doesn't have many friends. It would be nice for someone older to look out for him."

Now this sounded like a pity case. Gerard would sound like an ass now to say no.

"Linda's already spoken to him about it. He said he'd be fine with it as long as you chip in some petrol money every now and again."

"I don't even have a car." Gerard tried to think of some excuses.

Mikey walked into the room then. He ignored them and grabbed the cutlery and place mats to set the table.

"You could use mine sometimes when I'm not working." Donna was obviously set on this happening, "He said he'd be happy to pick you up in the mornings and at the end of each day to take you home."

"So basically I'll have my own personal chauffeur." Gerard slumped against the sideboard.

Donna sighed and started plating up. "Not a chauffeur. This is more beneficial for him than you. Plus, I don't like you taking the bus. That thing is filthy."

"And what is he supposedly going to get from this situation? My obvious charm?"

Mikey snorted.

Gerard glared at him.

Donna sighed, "Come on, he's a nice boy. I'm sure you two will be good friends."

Gerard could hear Mikey laughing quietly behind him and he resisted the urge to turn around and punch him in the face.

Donna had finished plating up the spaghetti and handed a plate to him. Gerard took it and went to the table, not in the mood for this conversation anymore. Mikey sat next to him a second later, putting his food down in front of him.

A Compilation of Frerard OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now