Parties Suck

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So yeah basically just another shitty party fic. Yayyyyy.
I played these games at a party yesterday and they were good so I've included them.


"Gerard, are you still sulking back there?" Mikey called from the driver's seat.

"No," Gerard lied. He was still sulking. Of course he was. Who in their right mind wanted to go to some party at some guy's house that he hadn't even met?

Ray turned to look at him. "Come on, Gee, it'll be fun. You never go out."

"There's a reason for that," Gerard grumbled, crossing his arms across his chest.

This was so unfair. Gerard had been perfectly happy with his plans to spend the evening with a zombie film marathon and maybe a pizza, but then his little brother had to come and ruin all that with his stupid guilt trips and pouty faces.

"Look, I told you it'll be worth it. And it will be," Mikey said from behind the wheel, "I'm not making you go for no reason."

Gerard didn't say anything. He really didn't see the point. Parties and social gatherings really weren't his thing.

"Plus, Frank'll be there," Ray added, smiling a little.

Gerard made an unintentional noise in response and turned bright red.

Of course Frank was going. Frank went to every party known to man. He was practically the life and soul of every party. At least, that was what Gerard had heard.

"Why should I care whether Frank's going or not?" Was his lame attempt of a comeback. He mentally filed away a self-inflicted punch in the face for later.

"No reason at all, Gee," Mikey started up, "Apart from the fact that you're practically in love with him."

Gerard choked on the air around him. "No, I'm not!" He retorted, his face apparently sticking with this new shade of beetroot.

"You so are, Gee," Ray sat forward in his seat again, "Every time you see him, you practically drool all over him."

Gerard set his jaw and held back the urge to jump out of the car window.

"I'm not that bad," He pouted, slowly sliding down in his seat.

Mikey snorted and Gerard glared at him.

Ray attempted to keep the peace, "Well... Why don't you actually do something about your hideously large crush on him tonight?"

Gerard almost fell out of his seat. "What?" His voice was almost a whole octave higher in pitch, "No fucking way!"

Ray turned to look at him again. Before he could say anything though, Gerard was doing what he did best: rambling and gesturing. A lot.

"I don't even like him in that way! Sure, he's a nice guy and everything but he's obviously straight - not that that effects anything because I don't like him! Mikes! What the fuck?! Take me home!"

"Gerard!" Ray had his serious expression on his face.

Gerard stopped, mid-gesture, and dropped his hands.

"Just calm down. We'll drop it if it's upsetting you. But denial isn't exactly an attractive look."

Ray faced forward again. He had spoken and he always seemed to get the last word.

"We're here," Mikey stopped the car.

So now Gerard had a whole other thing to deal with. He didn't just have the whole social situation in general and dancing and alcohol and fuck knows what else to worry over. He was never good trying to stay calm in a normal situation with Frank, let alone one at a place like this.

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