One Night Stand...?

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happy motherfucking new year! 2017 is gonna suck.

thought i'd start the new year off with a fic. basically just porn with a bit of a plot tbh. would not recommend to children under the age of sixteen (*cough* meg *cough*) it's not actually bad; just shittily written. enjoy!


Gerard was nervous. This guy was way too hot for him. How was he even letting Gerard go back to his place? Gerard was pretty sure he had missed the time between smiling at the guy from across the bar to getting into a cab with him. It had all happened so fast.

Well, it had taken place over about three hours but still.

Somehow - somehow - the guy had caught Gerard staring at him; although, that wasn't exactly subtle anyway. He had then smiled at Gerard and then after twenty minutes of exchanging glances, had gone up to Gerard and said, "Hi".

That was all it had taken. Apparently.

After staring at him open-mouthed for approximately five seconds before Ray had nudged him, Gerard managed to greet him in return. Ray more or less left them to it then, going off to find the rest of their friends.

Gerard wasn't sure if he had been thankful or not to have been left with the hot stranger but let's face it, he was very fucking thankful. The guy was called Frank and he had shaggy, black hair, facial piercings, a Misfits t-shirt on and a really fucking attractive face. Fucking hell.

They spent two or so hours just talking about different things like how shitty clubs were, when friends ditch you in said clubs, their jobs (Frank was a roadie for a band which was really cool) and stuff like that. Frank's job was a long conversation they had. Frank was actually from Jersey but the band he was touring with was on a night off and the next concert was in New York so Frank had gone back to Jersey for the day to see his family and went out with his friends that night; which was why he was at the bar.

Gerard thought that was really fucking cool. Especially the part where Frank got to travel around a lot and see different places. It was a lot cooler than his job: working at a comic book store. He had been there for three years and it was supposed to be temporary before he hit his big break but it was seeming more and more unlikely lately.

Anyway, Frank eventually questioned why Gerard had been looking at him in the first place and Gerard managed to mumble, with the help of booze, that he found Frank very attractive because he was very attractive. Frank grinned at him, said, "You're a hot motherfucker", and then caught Gerard's mouth in his own.

The kiss had thrown Gerard off slightly but he soon sunk into it, his hands greedily grabbing at Frank's shoulders. After a good make out session, Frank had pulled away with a breathless question, "Wanna head to mine?"

And now, here they were: in the back of a cab, on the way to Frank's apartment. Which was why Gerard was beyond nervous. The alcohol was wearing off a bit now and was being replaced by anxiety. He had never done this sort of thing before. Frank, however, seemed completely at ease. He was looking straight ahead, his hand resting on Gerard's thigh and squeezing every so often. Gerard found the action more reassuring than arousing which wasn't a bad thing.

The silence wasn't exactly awkward but it wasn't exactly silent either; the cab's radio playing quietly in the background. On top of the overwhelming nerves, Gerard felt excited. He was excited for what was going to happen. He didn't exactly have any respect for himself but he figured that one: he had earned this after having a shittacular year, and two: he couldn't turn down this opportunity. Like, seriously, how the fuck had he managed this? This guy was hot.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2017 ⏰

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