So Much For That

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"Gerard! Sex! Now!"

Gerard looked up from his laptop screen.

"Are you actually demanding me for sex?" He smirked.

Frank was already taking his t-shirt off.

He rolled his eyes, "I'm not demanding you, I'm telling you."

Gerard sighed before looking back at his laptop.

He was in the middle of a scene and he didn't like to stop drawing when he was in the middle of something.

"Ger-ard!" Frank whined from the foot of the bed.

Gerard couldn't help but glance up again to see Frank now crossing his arms across his bare chest.

Gerard bit his lip, stuck between wanting to finish his work and wanting to start on his boyfriend.

"I just want to finish this," He eventually said.

Frank stuck out his bottom lip in a mock pout.

"But I want you now."

The thing about Frank is that when he wants something, he doesn't take no for an answer.

Gerard knew there was no point in arguing.

"Fine," He sighed.

He and Frank had been dating for nearly seven months now.

He was used to this.

After shutting down the program and turning off his laptop, Gerard placed it on his nightstand before looking at Frank again.

Frank was grinning like the fucking cat that got the cream.

"Thank you," He smirked as he climbed onto the bed.

Gerard couldn't help but yawn then and tried to cover his mouth.

"Oh I'm sorry," Frank stopped on the middle of the bed, crossing his arms again, "Am I boring you?"

"What? No-" Gerard was cut off by another yawn.

He really needed to start going to sleep earlier.

Frank scowled at him.

"It's not even seven yet."

"Yeah, well, I'm tired," Gerard shrugged, rubbing his eyes.

Frank huffed in response.

"Fine. I'll just go home."

Gerard let out an exasperated sigh before moving closer to Frank on the bed.

"I don't want you to go," He pulled Frank's arms away from his chest.

"Well you don't seem that pleased to see me and you're the one who invited me round," Frank still sounded agitated.

Gerard held one of Frank's hands in his and fiddled with it with his other hand.

"I'm always pleased to see you," He kissed Frank's hand tentatively.

Frank was already giving in.

He smiled a little, "I should hope so. Now, are we gonna have sex or what?"

Gerard looked up at him again.

"Is that really the only reason you agreed to come over?" He asked.

A playful smile danced on Frank's lips.

"It's one of the reasons."

Gerard shrugged, giving in to his boyfriend's demands.

And hey, who was he to complain anyway?

A Compilation of Frerard OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now