Blind Dates

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"Come on, Gee! You haven't been on a date in ages."

Gerard scoffed.

"Dates are social constructs. Who says I have to abide by them?"

Mikey rolled his eyes at his brother's big words.

"He's a nice guy and you two would be perfect together."

Before Gerard had a chance to say something about the constitute of perfection, Mikey carried on, "I told him you'd meet him on Friday at seven at that bar you like; the one on the corner."

Gerard sighed.

"Mikes, seriously-"

"Please, Gee. Honestly you'll fall in love with him as soon as you see him. He's basically an even cockier version of you."

Gerard raised an eyebrow as if questioning if that was possible.

"Why does this mean so much to you?" Gerard could tell he was already giving in.

Mikey looked a bit unsure but eventually said, "Look, I shouldn't be saying this but he's had a tough time this year and I think meeting you might be the cheer up he needs."

"How is meeting me supposed to cheer him up?"

Mikey grinned at him like he was an idiot.

"No reason."

Gerard sighed again.

He wasn't a big fan of dates or even going outside in general.

But it was Mikey asking him and Gerard couldn't really say no to Mikey.

"Fine. I'll do it."

Mikey's eyes lit up instantly.

"Thanks, Gee! Honestly, you'll like him. I wouldn't set you up if you wouldn't."

Gerard was still skeptical.


"Oh and," Mikey smiled, "His name is Frank."


Gerard was regretting this decision the moment he stepped into the bar.

How was he supposed to know what this 'Frank' character looked like.

Mikey wasn't the best at setting up blind dates.

The bar was already filling up with the locals and the amount of people worried Gerard a little.

He told himself to suck it up.

It would only be a couple of hours to endure.

If Mikey was right and this guy was right up Gerard's street, then it might not be too bad.

Gerard wasn't getting his hopes up though.

He had given up on dating a long time ago.

He could barely talk to anyone besides his brother without a beer in him and this wasn't any different.

After asking the bartender for a beer and then changing his mind and asking for two instead, first impressions mattered, he sat on one of the stools and looked around nervously.

Looking around soon proved too much for him though and he ended up just staring down at his beer bottle.

He wasn't exactly early.

It was almost five past seven.

Maybe this guy was all for being fashionably late or whatever.

Gerard hoped not.

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