Scarlet Tracks (Bonus Chapter)

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Hey, so I was on the train the other morning and I suddenly missed the fact that I wasn't writing Scarlet Tracks anymore. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I travel by myself in the mornings which meant that I wrote a lot of the story during those days. And that morning, I suddenly wanted to write more so here is an extra bonus thingy! It's set a few months after the story ended. Hope you like it :)


It was fucking freezing. And I mean, fucking freezing.

Frank had, for some crazy, unknown reason, started getting up earlier and therefore, got to the station before the train. That meant that he always had to wait at least three minutes for the motherfucker to arrive. In the cold. In fucking February.

On the bright side, he always had time to buy a coffee from the station's café. At least that had the power to warm him up slightly. But still. Ugh. Was this course even worth it?

When he'd voiced his opinion about it to Gerard, because let's face it; Frank was always bitching about something, Gerard had told him to stick it out. Plus, if he did drop out, he wouldn't see Gerard as much. That was enough to get Frank fucking running to New York.

So, he was stuck doing this for another couple years or so. Whatthefuckever. He'd learn to deal with it.

It was a good thing he had recently bought a new denim jacket because it was seriously the comfiest thing ever. The large jacket swallowed him, covering his hands without even trying.

That was the point he had bought it. However, a medium would have done the same.

The train finally arrived, the fucker.

Frank jumped on, too impatient to allow people to actually get off first, and sat down in the usual four seater he and Gerard shared.

They didn't really need two extra seats, but Frank preferred to sit across from Gerard instead of next to him so he could see him better. And let's face it, the view was pretty great.

The train set off as Frank settled down in the isle seat, his bag on the seat next to him and his guitar under the table.

He knew he'd have to move onto the window seat when more people got onboard but he didn't give shit if he was perfectly honest. Plus, he was a lazy fucker who couldn't be bothered to move his ass for the time being.

Sitting back and stretching his legs out under the table, he closed his eyes. He wasn't doing too well on the whole 'early nights' thing but he was doing better than he used to.

He was most tired on Mondays but that was only because he usually spent the weekends at Gerard's house. And even though Gerard seemed to have a good relationship with sleep, Frank liked to stay up to make most of his time with his boyfriend. Mushy, right? This was what he had turned into. Not that he minded.

Trains were both good for sleep and dangerous at the same time. The gentle rocking was enough to lull Frank into a half-asleep composition and he hugged his empty coffee cup as a weird form of comfort. For some reason, he liked to cuddle things when he fell asleep. He would've preferred it to be Gerard but Gerard didn't seem to be at hand at the moment.

That was until Frank suddenly felt a pair of lips against his own and he quickly opened his eyes to see his boyfriend pulling away and smiling at him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," Gerard sat down across from him, "You just looked so cute. I couldn't help myself."

Frank smirked at him and sat up properly again, placing his cup on the table. "Good morning to you too."

"Morning," Gerard's smile grew and he took his shoulder bag off.

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