It's Time!

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It was almost two in the morning when the phone rang.

The shrill ringing interrupted the tranquil silence that had settled over the household.

Frank was the one to wake up first.

He couldn't tell if he was still asleep or awake as he reached for the phone on his nightstand.

"H-Hello?" He rubbed his eyes with his free hand.

"Frank? Is that Frank?"

"Yes," Frank swore inside.

"It's time! It-It's time!"

Everything seemed to freeze then.

Or rather, Frank did.

He didn't do or say anything for a moment before he realised what that meant.

He sat bolt upright in bed.

"Are... Are you sure?" He barely managed to ask.

"Yes! Why would I joke about something like this?! Get here now!"

Frank was already hitting his partner, who was still snoring lightly.

"Are you on your way?!" He was now fully awake.

"Yes! Meet us there as soon as possible!"


They both hung up.

Frank turned his full attention to the sleeping man next to him.

"Gerard!" He shook him, "Gerard! Wake up!"

Gerard moaned slightly and tried to swat him off.

"Gee, get up! It's time!"

Gerard's eyes popped open and he slowly sat up.

"Are you sure...?" He bit his lip.

Frank nodded frantically and got out of bed, "Yes! Hannah's mom just called me!"

"Fuck!" Gerard got up as well.

He looked around, unsure of what to do.

He looked at his partner for guidance.

"Get dressed then!" Frank told him, "And we'll go."

Gerard nodded and scrambled for some clothes.

When they were both dressed and had everything they needed, they got into their car.

"Same place?" Gerard asked as he put his seatbelt on.

"Well, yeah," Frank backed out of the drive, "Where else?"

The drive was tense and silent.

Neither of them knew what to say.

They had never been in this sort of situation before.

This was all way over their heads.

It was the deep end.

After finally finding a parking space, Frank parked the car and rushed over to the ticket machine.

Gerard slowly climbed out of the car and thought through what was about to happen.

Was he ready for this?

It didn't matter if he was or not though.

It was too late to turn back now.

Frank was back with a ticket which he put in the car before locking it.

He turned to Gerard, "You ready?"

Gerard bit his lip before nodding slightly.

"Come on then."

A Compilation of Frerard OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now