One more (not so quick) note

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     Hello! I'm the author of this garbage story! I would first like to say: Thank you for reading up to this point in the story!

     Today is January 1, 2022. It feels weird writing that, but it is. I haven't posted any chapters as of now, which is why I'm so clueless on what the current situation of my book is while writing these notes.

     I don't actually have anything I NEED to say regarding conflicts or- wait, sorry, scratch that. I do.

     So, I told you that I would be needing to change a few things about a character or a Stand, right? I believe so. Well, you probably know by now that this character is Rubber Soul, the User of the Stand, Yellow Temperance.

     Actually, can we just give this guy some respect for a second? In the manga, he definitely almost killed Jotaro right then and there. I read along with writing the story so I don't forget any details and can get direct quotes from the manga, so I forget exactly how he's beaten, but I do know that it was a close battle. Doesn't Jotaro use water or something?? Oh! And the Joestar's secret technique, right? I don't know, I'll have to check back with you.

     I'm sorry, I got sidetracked. Let me explain what I did to his ability.

     So, he used Yellow Temperance to absorb her body and like mend it with his...? It didn't hurt her body because he was technically her. He couldn't get full control over her body because her mind was kind of... crazy (Sorry, Y/n), for lack of a better word.

     When he left her body, she was in that weird state and was acting like a child. This is because of her mind. Because he took it over, she was in a state where her's wasn't completely regained yet.

     Because this is fanfiction that nobody is going to read, I'm not going to try to incorporate this information into the story, which is why I'm simply explaining it to you right now.

     I think Y/n's Stand is very powerful, she just doesn't know how to use it properly because she's always listening to what others tell her to do. It's a problem, but I'll find a way to fix it, so you won't be useless (sorry again) for the ENTIRE story. Okay?

     By the way, if you haven't caught on yet, Y/n absolutely hates being called "useless" or "crazy" because she believes she's done nothing wrong. It might be true, but those words (directed at her) either cause her to break down or lose her mind. I'll probably bring this back in the future.

     To go more into depth about WHY:

Useless- She did everything she was told to do with no argument to the best of her ability. She just wanted to listen and follow, but her weak mentality messed up the life she had and wanted to keep. Being called useless will cause her to fume and become violent because she knows she did everything right.

Crazy: She doesn't exactly know that she's violent and aggressive now and then. She acts as though everything is perfectly fine because her parents did it to her without being punished. She was confused that it didn't work the same way when she did it. Being called crazy makes her break down, shutting the angry emotions inside so no one sees them. She doesn't think there's anything wrong with living as a slave to others or suddenly becoming a psychopath. Crazy is a word that makes her realize it really isn't okay, and she hates that.

     I suck at explaining things, but you get it right? Maybe. Do I get it? Well, all you need to know is that both words are like scars in her mind. When the wounds are opened again, she is reminded of her parents and either wants to hurt others or herself.

     When she was acting that way in the hotel room or when she first met Jotaro, it wasn't because of either of those words. Of course, it's not only activated by that, it's just little things that remind her of just how much she resents her parents for everything.

     I've said many things that may or may not make any sense. I'm just jotting a bunch of things down on here myself. I know that she hated those words, but I just now came up with the reasons why. So, yeah, I'm a mess. My whole writing process is a jumbled mess as well.

     And by the way, I won't rewrite the battle between Rubber Soul and Jotaro. Just so you know~

     I'll see you on the next little note! Bye!

-Who Knows

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