Chapter 21

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As you lay in the hospital bed, the white, silent room surrounding you, you thought about Jotaro. As you sat in your temporary nest, your body longing to be touched, you could only think of him.

When they picked you up, they looked like two normal humans wearing hats. They probably were, but Mr. Joestar told you to trust them to keep you safe whilst you went through the heat.

When you arrived, they asked you to make a list of anything you would need. Of course, being in heat, you needed to build a nest. You needed to feel safe there.

You told them to bring your clothes, blankets, pillows, and animal books specifically. You felt bad that they had to go all the way to your house and fin these things, but at that moment, you weren't thinking straight at all.

There were very few female employees, but the ones who were there took care of you for the most part. It was safe, comfortable, and over within two days.

It seemed like forever, but you would finally be able to go back to the crusaders. This time, you'd be able to finish the journey.


I was brought to an island. To your dismay, the crusaders weren't there. You were told to stay and wait for them. However... someone familiar was already residing on the island.

As you walked into the small home, surrounded by trees and chickens, a tall Egyptian man greeted you. He smiled, his Grey hair stiff on his head. It took you a moment to realize just who he was.

"Avdol?!" You gasped. He chuckled.

"Yes! I am!"

He sat you down in a small kitchen with a little wooden table. The floor was comfortable against your crossed legs.

"They will arrive today," Avdol informed, handing you a mug. You took it with a small bow. "I don't know what enemies they've encountered whilst I was gone, so I can't tell you the condition they're in. L/n, you should be prepared for anything," He warned, sitting down across from you.

"Thank you, Avdol. I've already thought about it, and I'm prepared for the worst. I'm glad you've been safe this whole time," You said with a smile. You really were. "It's my first time having allies... I know it was selfish of me, but when I saw you laying there, I thought of how it was unfair to lose one of the only people who'd helped me. So, thank you... for being safe."

He nodded his head silently. "It's human to think that way. I wouldn't say it was selfish at all."

You both drank a small sip of your tea in comfortable silence.

"Do you live here?" You asked, looking out the small window at the perfectly blue sky. He nodded.

"No. I live in Cairo as a fortune teller. I'm only here to return to the crusaders." He took another sip before leaning toward you. "I must tell you beforehand: Don't tell Polnareff I'm here."

Your face scrunched in confusion. "Is it because of his loud mouth?" You asked. He nodded, taking another sip. You followed his motion, nodding in agreement.


You were exploring the lovely outdoors when you suddenly heard yelling. It was Avdol's voice. You couldn't make out what he was yelling for, but you assumed the Crusaders were there.

If Polnareff wasn't meant to know of Avdol's identity, you figured showing yourself would give it away. You would explore some more before going back. By that time, they would've already figured it out.

However, this was a mistake. It was beginning to get dark, so you decided to walk back. Of course, you couldn't find your way. How could you? You were on an unfamiliar island with nothing but trees. Everything looked the same. How stupid could you be?

You sighed, walking in circles it seemed as your surroundings only became dimmer.

Suddenly, you heard the rustling of leaves. You froze, listening carefully. You heard it again, shooting your head in the direction of the noise.

You began to walk toward it. Why?

Why not?

You heard it again, a little to the right. You quickened your pace in its direction until you smelled something... something so familiar.

You could never forget that scent. It was Jotaro.

You grinned, sprinting toward him. When he finally came into your view, he was looking at you, shocked at your sudden appearance. You didn't waste any time leaping into his arms, hugging him tightly.

You buried your face into his chest, his scent filling your nose. He smelled so wonderful.

"Y/n," He said, returning the embrace. You stayed there for a moment, silently holding each other.

"Jotaro!" You shouted, pushing away from him. "It won't happen again, so we can finish the trip now!" You exclaimed. He smiled, looking down at your excited face.

Then, he leaned forward ever so slightly, lowered his head, and kissed you. His fingers found their way through your hair holding your head to his. His other arm stayed wrapped around your waist.

His lips were soft, the kiss so warm. It only lasted a few seconds, but it was enough to trouble both of your hearts. Before either of you could say anything, your lips found each other again.

You lifted your arms, folding them around his neck, pulling him down further. Your toes strained to raise you high enough that it hurt, but you didn't care. The feeling was so magical.

Your heart was beating so fast, yet everything was calm.

As you separated, he continued to hold you close to him, his cheeks red to the tips of his ears.

You didn't go any further than that, and it made the moment more special. It was a kiss shared between two who simply missed each other. It wasn't out of lust. It wasn't for pleasure. It was out of love.

(989 words) Thank you for reading! There's more, so continue on to the next chapter! ( '•₎౩•' )

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