Chapter 54

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     You felt a slight tug on the back of your extremely oversized shirt, and you turned around to see a kid, smaller than yourself, standing in Jotaro's Gakuran. His head was tilted down, the ripped hat hiding his tiny face easily. You stared at him with surprise, your jaw falling open at the sight of him. You knew it was still Jotaro, but for you to be able to look down at him- He was... so cute!

     "Do you think you can beat me just because I'm a kid?" Jotaro suddenly asked. The man behind you laughed, making you turn to him, glaring at the towering creature.

     He looked at both of you in disgust. "Do you think otherwise?" He spat, beginning to walk closer to you.

     "Good grief," Jotaro mumbled as he approached the man, meeting him halfway. You stood behind him, worried, wondering what was going to happen.

     Suddenly, Jotaro threw a punch. It shocked the man, but it didn't do any damage. The man laughed for a split second at what looked like a pitiful fighter but was immediately interrupted by one punch after another. Jotaro, using every ounce of strength in his small body, quickly and powerfully punched the man.

     Knocked to the floor with blood streaming from his skin, Jotaro had won this fight, and you both began to grow back to your original sizes.

     You looked down at your hands and how much bigger they'd grown. Then, you looked up at Jotaro, who was staring at the beaten enemy.

     "Good grief," He grumbled again, turning to you, who was standing closer than he'd thought. He looked down at your grown body again and stopped halfway. Quickly, he took off his jacket and swept it over your shoulders, a frown on his face.

     Confused, you looked down where his eyes had landed to see your bare legs and small panties being the only thing covering the bottom half of your body. Your face turned bright red as the jacket closed the view of your legs.

     "T-thank you," You stuttered as you took the ends of the coat and held them in place.

     Jotaro looked around for a short moment, mumbling things to himself that you couldn't hear when suddenly a head popped out of a window above you. You stared at it in shock and soon realized it belonged to Polnareff. His white hair that stuck up like a log angered you as he jumped down to meet you.

     "Polnareff!" You yelled, your body turned to Jotaro in case your hands slipped. "Where did you go?! You were supposed to stay with us!" You yelled in frustration.

     "Stop whin-!" Polnareff began.

     "I was worried he'd actually beat you as a kid! You were alone and tiny! Just stay with us!" You were panting by the time you'd stopped yelling. Jotaro had his arm on your shoulder, angling your body away from him, your chest pressed against his as he looked at you in confusion.

     "You were worried about me?" Polnareff asked quietly.

     You raised an eyebrow. "Of course, I was! We're allies! Allies don't die!"

     Your loud voice slowly lowered itself when you saw a dark look on Polnareff's face. He looked at you with an expression you'd never seen before. It was serious, and it didn't look all that like Polnareff.

     "Let's go find the old man and Avdol. I'm sure they're looking for us by now," Jotaro suddenly said, turning you away from him and lightly pushing you to walk away. Polnareff followed closely behind, silent as you found your way back to the hotel.

     "Excuse me!" A lady's voice suddenly called out shortly after you'd begun to walk back. "Did you see someone come out?" She asked, quickly coming toward you. "He's tiny and... a foreigner... just like you," She said quietly, looking at Polnareff like she knew him.

     Polnareff stared back at her with the same eyes he'd given me, but a slight blush on his cheeks. You and Jotaro looked at him in confusion. He most definitely knew this woman, but he didn't say anything. He decided the fact that they were acquaintances and turned away.

     "Don't say anything," He demanded as you walked side by side. It was silent, Jotaro's hand on his shoulder in comfort. You smiled at the sight. You truly were allies.

(728 words) Thank you for reading! There's more so continue on to the next chapter! (─‿‿─)♡

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