Chapter 50

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     You sat silently on the sidewalk, Iggy laying in your lap as you slowly stroked his head. Polnareff was smoking not far from you, and his stomach was louder than the cars that passed every minute or so.

     "Where's Mr. Joestar?!" He suddenly yelled, throwing his hands in the air.

     Avdol sighed."I'll go see where he is." He left quickly, turning his head left and right as he ventured into the lobby.

     Polnareff's grumbling could have been said by any of you. Each of your stomachs growled as you waited for the men to join you.

     A few minutes passed with nothing new, but suddenly you heard a child speaking next to you. You turned your head slowly to see three girls playing in the mud.

     "Here you go, madam. Bourbon and whiskey, enjoy," One said as she handed another girl a mug filled with mud.

     "Oh! That looks delicious!" The girl exclaimed as she took the mug and held it in front of her face. She pretended to drink it with a friendly smile on her face.

     You couldn't help but envy their playfulness. Without much thinking, you placed Iggy beside you and walked up to the girls, plopping yourself down on the sidewalk in front of the mud.

     With an excited grin on your face, you turned to the first girl. "Could I have what she's having?"

     They stared at you in confusion for a moment. Then, the first girl giggled. "Of course, madam!" She happily exclaimed as she filled another mug with the sloppy substance.

     She handed it to you, her tiny hands barely able to hold it still as you took it. "Thank you!" You bowed slightly as you held it to your face just like the other girl had done.

     "I love how much you both can drink in the morning!" She giggled again, holding her hand in front of her mouth like a proper lady.

     "It's fine, my husband is away on a business trip and won't be back for a week. Hahaha!"

     You lowered your cup as they looked at you expectantly. "And what about you, ma'am?" She asked you kindly.

     "Me? Oh, I- I have far too much housework to do. I thought I'd enjoy myself before the day begins," You answered, smiling politely at the girls.

     "That's a wonderful idea, madam. Would you like to enjoy some cake as well?" She asked, balling mud piles on the ground in front of me.

     "I would lo-!"

     Suddenly, two hands swept under your shoulders and lifted you off the ground. You gasped and turned your head to see Jotaro as your feet returned to the surface.

     "I apologize, girls, but this lady needs to come with us," Polnareff explained as he knelt beside the children.

     They frowned as they pointed at him, the second girl yelling, "You can't take her! She hasn't even paid yet! She needs to eat her cake!"

     Jotaro, whose arms were still holding you, glared at them. "Sorry, she'll have to come back another time," He stated as he pulled you away from them.

     You sighed, walking beside them without complaint.

     A few minutes passed and there was still no sign of either of them. You were beginning to feel worried when suddenly you heard Polnareff yell behind you.

     Both you and Jotaro turned around hurriedly to see Polnareff missing. "Huh?!" You yelled in confusion. "He was right here!"

     "Where did he go?" Jotaro frowned as you both turned your heads left and right in search of the French man. "Y/n, did you see him leave?" He asked you as he began to backtrack your steps. You shook your head slowly, following him closely.

     "Maybe he found Mr. Joestar and Avdol," You said unsurely. "Or... oh!" You suddenly shouted. "Excuse me!"

     Crouching in front of a child that seemed to be here since you'd begun to look for Polnareff you smiled. "Hey, have you seen a tall French man wandering around here? He's got the same hairstyle as you," You asked the kid.

     "He's about this tall," Jotaro added, showing Polnareffs height with his hand. The kid's face lit up immediately.

     "Yeah, that's me! It's jo! No... sa... it's-"

     You sighed. "Sorry to bother you," You huffed as you stood and began to walk in the other direction with Jotaro.

     "W-wait!" The kid called out. You didn't look back, but something about him... it was worrying. He seemed panicked and frightened, just like you and Jotaro.

     After a few seconds of walking away, you turned around and marched back toward him, but were met by an empty street. You looked around in confusion, but he was nowhere to be seen.

     Suddenly, you heard a light voice curse behind the corner of a building at the small intersection a few feet away from you. You frowned and slowly approached the corner. As you peaked ever so slightly to see, you were met with large eyes.

     You jumped back as the man revealed himself. His wicked smile was disgusting as he approached you, licking his lips.

     "You took Polnareff?" You asked, backing away carefully. The road was a few feet away, and cars continued to drive by every second.

     "I wouldn't say that," He snickered. You looked back at where Jotaro was walking a moment ago, but he was gone. Your mouth fell open.

     Did I forget to tell him I was leaving?!

     You grumbled and closed your eyes in worry. Things were not going as planned.

(919 words) Thank you for reading! There's more, so continue on to the next chapter! (″ロ゛)

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