Chapter 16

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     "He said my name! If he knows who we are, he must be an enemy Stand user!" Mr. Joestar yelled as you all looked at the vehicle.

     "Where is he sending that signal from?!" Kakyoin asked, looking around frantically. "It can't be from the car that just fell off the cliff, can it?"

     "The car itself could be a Stand," Jotaro said, his arm wrapping around your shoulders automatically. "Remember the Orangutan we met in the sea of Vietnam? That thing's strength Stand was an entire ship. This could be the same type of thing."

     They all stared at him in realization.

     "Wheel of fortune!" The radio shouted again. "Cower in fear against the power of my Stand!"

     Suddenly, the ground began to shake.

     "Quick! Get in the car!" Mr. Joestar yelled.

     Completely pulling you to his chest with both arms protecting you, Jotaro demanded, "No! Don't get in! Stay away from it!"

     The enemy's car shot up from the ground, toppling you to the ground.

     "Ugh..." You groaned, your dirty bandages coming undone. "It's a Stand..."

     You turned your head enough to see the car facing you. It was a complete wreck, but slowly, the damage began to fix itself.

     "What the hell?" You mumbled, attempting to sit up. You all stood up next to each other as Jotaro approached the car.

     "Wait! Jotaro, we don't know its ability!" You panicked, knowing he would fight that thing by himself. He was strong, but we didn't know how strong the enemy's Stand was yet.

     He was hit hard with something suddenly. Nobody saw anything fly at him though. He stumbled back as blood dripped down his jacket.

     Polnareff and Kakyoin held him up as the car attacked again, hitting them all.

     You watched in horror as they all began to bleed.

     Damn it!

     "Jotaro, are you alright?!" You asked as they returned to you.

     "Don't worry about me," He answered. Jotaro was injured and angry, but he still stayed right beside you as you ran away from the car.

     It molded in between the rocks you escaped through. It shot at you with the mysterious bullets, hitting your arm right where your healing wound was. You winced as you ran, holding it in place.

     You looked back to see the stowaway girl on the ground, banging her fists and kicking her legs.

     Without thinking, you circled Jotaro and sprinted in her direction.

     "Y/n! What-!" Jotaro yelled, looking back at you as you lifted the girl off the ground.

     "Get a hold of yourself, you brat! Do you wanna die?!" You yelled as you ran back to the rest of them.

     You began to climb a cliff the pain in your arm killing you. Despite this, you made it up.

     Of course, it was able to follow you. Jotaro came up with a short plan to harm it, but when it was time, the enemy asked us you'd smelled yourselves.

     "Come to think of it," Kakyoin began. "I smell gasoline!"

     You all looked at him alarmed. Jotaro was sparked by the enemy, flames engulfing him entirely.

     You gasped. "Jotaro!" You shouted automatically. His face disappeared in the fire. His scent was overtaken by it. "No, no, no, no, no! Jotaro!" Tears built up in your eyes as you watched him fall to the ground.

      You fell silent as everyone continued to panic. You couldn't believe what you were seeing. The enemy spoke, but you couldn't hear him. Jotaro...

     Suddenly, a fist punched through the dirt from underground. Jotaro sprung up, his jacket gone.

     Immediately, he punched the life out of the enemy. He flew out the other side of the car as it blew up in flames.

     Everyone cheered, but you just stood there, astonished. All you could see was him. You couldn't smell him yet, but he was alive and there. The tears that had built up in your eyes began to fall down your face. They would have been tears of despair, but they turned into those of happiness and relief.

     The man in the car ended up being some weirdo. He begged you not to kill him, causing everyone to die of laughter. You joined them. It would've been your response to this situation anyway.

     As we walked to the car, Jotaro told the girl she would be going home on a plane. Of course, she complained and insisted on coming with you.


     "I can't believe you were able to get a Japanese school uniform tailored in Pakistan!" Mr. Joestar exclaimed. "Y/n too! Now your jacket and pants don't have those huge holes in them!"

     You looked down at your pants. It was much warmer now than they were fixed. You were great full that your bandages would be safe as well.

     Just as he always did, Jotaro held you while you drove. You silently wondered why he always stayed so close to you. He never gave you a proper answer.

(827 words) Thank you for reading! There's more, so continue on to the next chapter!   ̿’ ̿’\̵͇̿̿\з= (ಥДಥ) =ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿

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