Chapter 46

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     "Where's the old man?" Jotaro asked, looking around at your new surroundings. You did the same, only realizing Mr. Joestar was gone then. Now that he'd mentioned it, you noticed Iggy's absence as well. 

    "He went to the bathroom," Avdol answered after finishing his last word of explanation about the buried tombs. 

     Polnareff's expression lit up. "The bathroom?"

     "Do you need to go?" Avdol asked, smiling at the french man. Polnareff's face was blank for a moment as he processed the question. Then, he frowned, his eyebrows scrunched together.

     "If it's a normal bathroom," He grumbled. You chuckled at his response. It seemed he had some disturbing history.

    Jotaro suddenly leaned closer to you, making you jump at his head's unexpected appearance. "Y/n," He whispered, his mouth right next to your ear. You listened silently. "Do you have to go?" He asked. You frowned, glaring at the alpha.

     "What kind of question is that? If I had to go, I would've gone already," You said, annoyed as you crossed your arms in front of your chest.

     Jotaro took your wrists, his arms wrapping around you from behind, and unfolded your arms. "Don't be mad. It was just a question," He purred. 

     What's up with him?!

     Without even looking to see if anyone was watching, he pecked your cheek and squeezed you to him. "Jotaro," You said menacingly. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

    "Shut up," He demanded. You growled, trying to pry his arms away from you, but they were too secure. 

    Without a second thought, you pulled out your Stand. The misty figure glared at your partner, your finger pointing at him from where you stood. "I can't control you naturally, Jotaro, but I know you wouldn't resist because then these wounds would open up again.

     "Y/n!" Avdol suddenly yelled as you shot your mist toward him. You froze, staring at the man. "That's enough!" 

     "It's his faaaault!" You whined. "Tell him to get off of meeee!" He turned around without listening to your requests. 

     "Don't attack allies no matter what, and we can continue on this journey together," He said, walking toward what looked to be the bathroom.

     Jotaro sighed. "Good grief. You're really noisy, and I just wanted to have my omega close to me." He squished your cheeks together, facing your head toward him to see his friendly expression. It was a small, yet loving smile, and it made you melt inside. "I hate staying far away from you for so long."

     "What the hell are you talking about?! All you do is touch me! On the car ride here, you-!" Your rant was suddenly interrupted by his lips. They touched yours lightly for a long moment. The blush on your cheeks was clearly visible to anyone within that country. His warm touch was so pleasant, addicting you to his soft lips immediately. When he left your lips, you seemed to follow his head shortly with your own, longing for more instinctively. 

     He smiled, rubbing his thumb against your slightly parted lips gently as he spoke. "Don't take it the wrong way, it's just the alpha in me. It's chosen you, so there's no helping when it wants to keep you from everyone else. 

     Finally, he let you go. As fast as you could, you sprinted away from him to Polnareff. Hiding behind his huge body, you stuck out your tongue at Jotaro. "Y/n?" Polnareff said, confused as you held onto his tight shirt. "What are you doing?"

     You looked up at him, a frown on your tiny face. "Jotaro's being mean," You whined, looking back at the fuming alpha. 

     "Jotaro's never mean to you," He sighed, sounding jealous of your special treatment. "He sure treats you like you're all that, and he knows you're already taken." He parted the long hair covering your neck to see the mark he thought some other alpha had given you. (If you have short hair... sorry, I guess. Just kidding, change the words to your liking. I don't mind! I also won't know!)

     "Polnareff!" Jotaro boomed, his shaded eyes glaring at him. "That's enough. Move." He shoved Polnareff out of the way to see you, who was now stranded in front of him. He reached his arms out to take your hands but suddenly stopped when there was a loud yelp from the bathroom. You all turned in alarm. Running in that direction, you were relieved you'd escaped that situation.

     You arrived to see Mr. Joestar with horribly messy hair like he'd just been electrocuted. You gasped as you saw the tiny dog wobbling toward you. Running to his aid, he let you pick him up without a single struggle. "Iggy!" You cried, holding him to your chest. "What's wrong, Iggy? What happened?" Of course, the dog, once again, did not answer your questions. 

     "I fell on him..." Mr. Joestar hesitated as he walked closer to you. You looked at Iggy with teary eyes. 

     "It'll be okay, Iggy! You'll be okay!" You snuggled closer to the puppy, ignoring the calls of the old man as he tried to tell you something.

     "Y/n, he's completely fine. You know he's just trying to get your attention," Mr. Joestar explained. Both you and Iggy glared at him.

     "That's not true! You weigh as much as two gorillas combined! How could he be okay?!" Mr. Joestar froze in shock, a gloomy frown on his insulted face.

     Jotaro approached you, grabbed Iggy, and placed him on the ground as he had before. "The dog walks," He said, taking your hand and walking ahead of the group.

     "Jotaro, what's going on with you today?" You asked, his behavior beginning to worry you. Jotaro was always close and touchy, but he'd never done things like kissing you or flirting with you while the others were still around. It was confusing.

     "Y/n, do you not realize that you belong to me?" He stopped and faced you, looking down at your confused eyes. "Every inch of your body is mine. Everything you have belongs to me. Do you know how much I hate it when others touch what's mine?"

     You slowly shook your head. "When you do things like that, I want to rip that dog apart. Do you understand?" Your eyes widened at his words, but you slowly nodded.

     Without realizing it, small tears began to fill your eyes. His angered expression softened as he saw your quivering lip. Without thinking, he pulled you to him. He held you tightly, his right hand stroking your hair. Before you could try to stop it, tears ran down your face.

     "I know," You cried into his chest. "So please don't leave me!"

(1120 words) Thank you for reading! There's more, do continue on to the next chapter! (っ´ω')ノ(╥ω╥)

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