Chapter 44

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     You leaped to the ground, hiding from the enemy. Of course, it was far too late, but what were you supposed to do? He knew your location and your ability. If he were to approach you, you didn't have anything against him. His power was much greater than yours. 

     I can't control his entire body... but what if I switched things around?  You thought as you slowly stood from your spot on the roof. Looking at him, he was still standing in the same position. Jotaro and Polnareff were glaring at him, panting as they caught their breaths.

     Hesitantly, you pointed your finger at him, closing your left eye to pinpoint the approximate location your mist would hit. Then, you shot it at him. 

     His sword swung at the nearly transparent gas but fazed right through. He scowled as you wrapped it around his waist. You were able to control it well before it consumed the flesh of your victim. Smiling as you got the hang of the new technique, you squeezed his stomach tight before consuming just a small area of it. 

     "Mr. Sword!" You yelled at him. "You've got something on your legs!" He didn't look down, which was disappointing, but it didn't matter. You bent his body in half, stretching it farther than it was meant to go. Mimicking it with your own body, you grinned. "It looks like you're not very flexible, Mr. Sword!"

     You sighed, standing straight before walking to the edge of the building. Looking down, you were two stories high. No one could jump from this height and stand uninjured, so you didn't even attempt to jump down. You looked around for an alternative, and you found it shortly.

     Finding another pipe, you slowly climbed down to the ground. It was easy, which made you wonder why Jotaro instructed you to use the back in the first place. The man flailed his arms and kicked his legs as he was unable to leave the painful position. 

     "Everyone should stretch throughout their day, or you end up like this. You're barely bent down, Mr. Sword!" You nagged as you approached him. Although he was under your control, it was only temporary. You knew the mist was spreading throughout his body slowly, which meant he would be able to break free within the next five minutes. 

      You sighed, watching his careless arms with caution. He was still holding his sword in his right hand. He couldn't see any of his targets, so he was recklessly swinging above his head. It looked quite pitiful.

     "You bitch!" The man screamed as you twisted his hip to the side. Standing at a distance, you knelt down for him to see you clearly. He cursed at you, his sword swinging in your direction. 

     "Jotaro!" You called out. He quickly came to you as if he'd just realized what was happening. "I know you've just woken up, but Mr. Sword needs a good beating." Standing straight, you looked at him from the side of your eye as you twisted his body farther than humanly possible, a wide grin on your amused face. "He's misbehaved."

     Jotaro looked at you blankly for a moment. "I don't take orders from women," He stated, tilting his head in annoyance.

     "Wasn't it you who told me I don't seem like a woman at all?" You asked, knowing the answer already. He frowned. 

     "You're getting too cocky," He grumbled, turning to the enemy with a dangerous glare on his face. "Shithead!" He yelled. "Look what you've done! I'll beat the shit out of you for that alone!" 

     Jotaro was annoyed at your arrogant attitude, but it was nothing but an act. In fact, you were beaming as you walked out of his view. You were incredibly happy that you'd finally done something to help that you had no idea how to act. Polnareff saw your change of expression and looked at you with a smirk. 

     "I get it, Y/n! I know how you feel! It feels good, right?" He laughed, putting his arm around your tiny shoulders. "You've gotta work on your winning attitude, though."

     You frowned. "I know. Jotaro will hate me if I don't, right?" You asked, looking up at him with unintentional puppy eyes. He backed away, rubbing the back of his neck as he laughed nervously. 

     "I don't think that's possible at this point," He mumbled. You shrugged, turning back to the fight. The enemy was on the ground, the mist floating back to you. He was unconscious, which meant you couldn't control his body. The mist automatically returned to you when this happened.

     "By the way, Y/n..." Polnareff began, pointing at you with a confused expression. "Why are you covered in blood? I didn't mention it at first because it looks like you're completely fine, but it's really all over. Look! It's bleeding through your jacket and pants!"

     You looked down at your body, annoyed at the truth of his words. "I don't know what's going on with this guy. He should only be strong with the Stand controlling him, but I wasn't able to control his body," You grumbled as you thought hard. 

     "So... why are you covered in blood?" He repeated, tilting his head as he waited impatiently for your answer. 

     "He broke through the mist. I guess this is what happens." You smiled and laughed at your own pain. It hurt a lot, but now wasn't the time to go whining over a few scratches. You'd just done something quite useful! 

    "Polnareff! Y/n!" Jotaro suddenly called out. You both turned your attention to him immediately. "The blade's broken. This battle's over."

     You headed in his direction quickly and knelt down to look at the weapon, picking it up carefully. "This sword controls whoever holds in unsheathed?" Polnareff looked at it closely in your hands. "Put it back carefully without touching the hilt," He instructed. 

     You nodded, doing as you were told with great concentration. After you were successful, you let out a long breath you didn't realize you'd been holding. "It's in securely, but now what?" 

     "How about throwing it into the Nile? That way, it'll stay at the bottom forever," Jotaro suggested. You turned to Polnareff, who was grinning like an idiot. 

     "The Nile?! That sounds like a great idea-!" He exclaimed.

     "Hold it! This is the police!" A man suddenly yelled, grabbing for the sword. You all gasped as you fought against the strength of this much larger opponent. "Give it to me!" He yelled. You were panicking, trying to keep the sword in and away from the man. 

     "W-Wait!" You began just before the sword unsheathed itself. You fell to the ground, still holding it in your hand. Groaning from the harsh impact, you looked at the sword with wide eyes.

     "W-w-w-w-what-!" You stuttered as the broken edge pointed at your face. Within a second, the skin on your forehead was sliced by the blade. 

     "Y/n!" Jotaro yelled as he rushed to your aid. He reached for the sword, but you moved it out of his way. You stood, jumping away from the three men. "Y/n put it down!" He demanded.

     It was then that everything went black. You couldn't hear, smell, or see any of your allies. It was dark and silent.

(1220 words) Thank you for reading! There's more, so continue on to the next chapter! (*・∀-)☆

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