Chapter 45

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     You opened your eyes to a bright blue sky, and in front of that sky was a familiar face. Jotaro's hands were on your cheeks, his eyebrows scrunched in worry. You smiled as you breathed in his calming scent, placing your hand over the top of his. 

     "Yeah?" You answered, looking around at all the other worried faces. Avdol stood farther away from the rest, looking at you from a distance as he held an open map in his hand. Polnareff gave you a face full of pity as though you were a small injured animal. Mr. Joestar looked angry, but you could smell his relief from your awakening.

     What exactly happened?

     You sat up, your head throbbing at the sudden movement. You rubbed it, groaning at the horrible pain. Jotaro was quick to hold you up as you processed your surroundings, his large hands pressing on your sore back. It stung when he pressed against you, but you didn't mention it.

     "You don't remember any of what just happened?" Jotaro asked as you checked your arms and legs for wounds. Of course, your limbs were all still covered in blood. It might have been worrying if there weren't so many injuries covering every inch of your skin. If that weren't the case, you would be more concerned about the depth and seriousness of each one.

     "Remember what? Where did the sword go?" You mumbled, searching the ground for the weapon. It was nowhere to be seen, but you swore it was in your hands just moments ago.

     "It's been taken care of," Jotaro answered.

     "Y/n-Chan!" Mr. Joestar yelled, running toward you. "Why do you keep getting yourself into trouble?!" His nagging was beginning to get annoying for both you and Jotaro, who were typically the source of his yelling. You didn't say anything, though, because you knew he was just worried about your recklessness. 

     You smiled nervously, still rubbing your pain-filled head. "What exactly happened... and why does my head hurt so much?"

      You turned to Jotaro, who didn't return the eye contact. You frowned, leaning toward him. Just as you were about to whisper into his ear, though, he turned back to face you. His face... was so close. It was too close. Close enough for your lips to touch immediately. Your eyes widened as you froze in place, your mouths staying pressed lightly together.

     "OH MY GOD!" Mr. Joestar yelled, bringing his hands to his face in shock. "Y/n-Chan! Jotaro! What are you doing?!"

     You quickly turned away from him, realizing it was not the time to be doing such things. You didn't understand it, but you decided it was something that should be done in private. 

     Jotaro cleared his throat. "That was a mistake," He insisted, frowning at the old man, who was pointing at you and jumping up and down. He looked from you to Avdol in excitement. "Avdol...!" His voice trailed off as Polnareff walked closer to you.

    He squatted down beside you, a smirk on his face. "It's quite bold of you, considering Y/n's already been claimed." Both you and Jotaro looked at him in disbelief. 

     "Of course, I'm claimed," You scoffed as though it were an obvious thing to anyone. "Jotaro-"

     "That's none of your damn business," Jotaro interrupted, his hand to your mouth. You guessed he didn't want this information public. You guessed correctly.

     "Well, it doesn't matter anymore, it's time to go!" Mr. Joestar cheered as you all stood up. Your head began to pound again.

     "Seriously, why does it hurt so much?"

     "Jotaro punched you in the head!" Polnareff ratted. 

     You didn't even flinch at his words. You didn't remember this event, so of course, you didn't believe him at all.

    Iggy suddenly trotted up to you, making you realize he'd been gone this whole time. You bent down, reaching for the puppy.

     "Iggy~!" You exclaimed in a high-pitched voice. You couldn't help it; it was automatic. He looked up at you with cold eyes. As you picked him up, though, he didn't struggle.

     You hugged him close to your chest, beginning to walk once more. "Iggy, where did you go? You disappeared! I was worried!" He was silent, but it didn't matter... because he couldn't answer you anyway.

     Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Jotaro staring closely at you. You pretended not to notice, but that was nearly impossible to do. Sighing, you turned to the alpha.

     "Jotaro, it's Iggy time. Do you need something?" You asked, holding Iggy closer in your arms.

     He frowned, reaching for the dog and grabbing him from your arms. He placed him on the ground before Iggy could do anything about it.

     "It's not Iggy time. You need your hands free in case a Stand user attacks," He said pointing at your hands.

     You nodded. "That's right, I forgot! I'll be more careful, don't worry!" You assured, looking straight ahead at the road you walked along.

     Jotaro was blunt with his words, and that's how it needed to be for you to understand. You smiled as you watched your allies mess around like old friends. It was the greatest thing you'd ever known, and you would do your best to protect it. You needed to protect it.

(894 words) Thank you for reading! There's more, so continue on to the next chapter! (*'▽'*)

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