Chapter 66

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Suddenly, the nothingness surrounding you turned into beautiful scenery. The ground beneath you became a small island with water surrounding you, traveling far into the horizon. The sky turned blue, and the man stood elegantly, waiting for your silent observation of your surroundings to end.

"Is this an illusion?" You asked curiously, walking over to the water and dipping the top of your foot in it. Sure enough, it became wet.

"I couldn't say," He smiled politely, his calm manner beginning to piss you off.

You pressed your lips together in frustration. Both you and your omega were getting antsy without Jotaro nearby. You couldn't sense him anywhere.

However, this was an opportunity for the rest of the crusaders to further their journey inside the building. Assuming DIO only had two or three Stand users guarding him, it would be much easier for them if you stayed and fought D'arby separately.

Sighing, you gave in. "Let's get started. How will you be collecting my soul?" You asked impatiently.

He nodded, turning his attention to a cabinet that stood beside him. Opening it, you could sense the lifeless souls that resided within the walls of the wood.

Once the small doors were fully open, you could see over a dozen dolls lined along the sides. Your eyebrows scrunched at the sight. They were alive. Real people.

The eldest D'arby sibling held the souls captive, and if he were to die, the souls would die along with him. You assumed this was the same case.

"Although it's not a lot, I've been collecting them like my brother and sister," He said quietly. "Once you have a collection, you want people to see, and you want them to praise you. I feel the same way."

You looked closely, noticing a slight motion from one of the puppets. Its eye twitched, and a clear liquid dropped from its eye. No- her eye.

Each doll began to cry. Cry for help. Cry for D'arby. Cry for the sweet release of death. Your eyes grew wide at the horrifying noise.

Would you become like this if you were to lose? Was it the right choice to stay and fight on your own? Your mind raced for answers, but it didn't matter. D'arby wouldn't let the other crusaders join in on your fight. You were alone once again against an enemy seemingly much more powerful than you'd ever be.

"Who's to say I won't kill you right now?" You asked, attempting to keep your shaky voice under control. "I have no attachment to these people."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. You see, your soul is already right in my hands," He explained. "An omega is the easiest target, for their souls are always vulnerable and open for taking."

     You scoffed at his words. Such a cowardly man could never be an enemy worth fighting. Using the weak simply as stepping stones for his ensured victory. Not that you were weak anymore.

     "What will we be playing then?" You asked with a small smile. "I most definitely won't have much experience, but it won't stop me from kicking your ass."

     His gentlemanly expression could have been misinterpreted if you couldn't smell his powerful, evil-stained scent. He directed your attention to a table with four computers.

     You'd only ever seen something like this once, but it didn't matter. You'd read about computer games. That was all you had; that was all you needed.

     He guided you to a seat, pushing in your chair once you'd taken it, and you looked at the small pile of computer games placed in front of you. You didn't recognize any of them, but you were sure it would be fine in the end.

     "I'll let you choose the game since your my guest," He informed as though it was a generous offering. You thanked him, your sarcastic tone unavoidable as you spoke.

     "However," He continued, bending down and reaching under the table for a moment. "Shall I show you the doll I made just for your soul?"

     You frowned. "No, thanks. Let's start playing," You declined, enjoying the drop of his smile at your rejection. He was too simple. An arrogant, repulsive fool.

     He lifted the item in all its glory despite your words. It was a doll. One that looked like you. Its h/l h/c hair was nearly your exact length. Its practically pale skin from the stress you'd been having so often was a perfect match. But... How could he have done that?

     "I'm proud of this creation," He said with a large smile. "Especially the detail I added... It looks just like you, doesn't it?"

     He turned the doll around and gently lifted the hair covering its neck to show an accurate replication of your mark. The Mark Jotaro had given you. The mark you'd been trying to hide. He'd created an exact copy.

     You pressed your lips together in annoyance. Had he been watching you this whole time? Had he known everything?

     "Now," He began. "Shall we begin?"

(845 words) Thank you for reading, and I apologize for the wait! There's more, so continue on to the next chapter! ==≡눈٩('皿´҂)ง

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