Chapter 26

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     You looked down at the woman who'd said those things to your alpha. Her teeth were bashed out, her face a complete mess. She was disgusting. How dare she say such things!

     Is she dead? You asked yourself. You didn't know, but you didn't care.

     You called out your Stand, the misshapen, evaporating figure appearing behind you. Jotaro watched as you woke up the enemy forcibly.

     She stood in front of you, her expression blank, her limbs only moving because you made them.

     "You're an ugly woman," You insulted. "Even without your teeth bashed in, you're nothing but a whore," You spat. "I can't believe a bitch like you touched us! How dare you touch him!" You screamed lifting your arm in the air, making it follow your motions.

     As though you were doing it yourself, you punched her in the face with her own arm. You kicked her leg against a nearby rock until it bled a horrible amount. You began to laugh at the sight of her destroyed body.

     "I'll kill you for touching him! I'll kill you!" You approached her, but a sudden pressure was put on your shoulder. You stopped walking, but the woman kept injuring herself, blood and open wounds covering her body.

     "Y/n," Jotaro said. You pursed your lips together. You couldn't smell him. The salt from the water was far too strong, overwhelming your nose. Not being able to smell him was worse than having this bitch touching him, but you couldn't help yourself.

     I'll kill you! I'll kill you! Die!

     "Y/n!" Jotaro yelled, his hand turning you to face him. You looked up at him, your expression dark, a grin on your face. "That's enough," He demanded, his grip on your shoulder keeping you from shaking it off.

     "Why?" You asked, your smile fading. "She's the enemy. She deserves to die."


     "Yes! She tried to kill you! She deserves to die!" You insisted, pointing at the woman again, picking up her body that had dropped to the ground. You began to punch her again, the impact much weaker.

     He shook his head. "No. That's enough. She doesn't need to die," He said, his intimidating eyes staring directly into yours. You fought back, thinking you were the right one in this situation. You thought she needed to die for what she did. You thought she deserved worse than death.

     "Y/n!" Jotaro yelled, beginning to feel angry as you continued to injure the enemy. "That's enough! Put her down, or we'll send you back!" He threatened.

     Immediately, you dropped her, your Stand disappearing.

     "Why does she deserve to live?" You asked, not understanding why he was stopping you.

     By now, you were beginning to dry off, your nose starting to smell the scents around you. It only took a small sniff to smell his calming scent.

     You took a deep breath through your nose, taking in much more. It calmed you. It made you decide to drop it. He must've known much more than someone who'd just done as she was told her whole life.

     "Y/n," He began, sliding his hand down your wet jacket arm and taking your hand. "You fight to protect, not to hurt. She isn't hurting anyone like that," He said, pointing at the woman. "She won't hurt us anymore. She can't. Someone like DIO, who continues to hurt us and others needs to be stopped, but this much is enough for someone like her."

     You began to understand what he meant. As long as the people around us were safe, the enemy didn't need to be harmed any further. You understood, nodding your head.

     He tapped your cheek, a small smile on his handsome face. "Keep it in mind from now on."

     You nodded again.

(613 words) Thank you for reading! There's more, so continue on to the next chapter!
(o ̄∇ ̄)=◯)'ν゜)・

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